Full Catalog of Child Welfare Courses

This section of the website shows UC Davis Human Services’ complete catalog of child welfare courses and offerings, organized by subject area.

All of these courses can be provided on-site to agencies through a county-based training contract. Classes are also available for enrollment through the Northern Academy for the 28 participating counties in our region. In addition, some classes are available for enrollment statewide.

Scheduled Sections Open for Enrollment

Title City Start Date Sort descending Enroll
Business Intelligence 4.3 (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Introduction to SDM (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CWS/CMS for New Users (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Neuroscience of Leadership and Transformational Change in Child Welfare (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
SafeMeasures Basic Navigation (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
IP-CANS: Overview and Preparation for Certification (previously Module B)
Enroll Now
Court Testimony (In-Person Training)
Enroll Now
SOP Skills Lab: Harm and Danger, Safety Goals
Enroll Now
Case Review Learning Collaborative (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Advancing Permanency Through Adoptions Module 4: Adoption Subsidy Laws, Policies and Eligibility
Enroll Now
SOP Skills Lab: Harm and Danger, Safety Goals
Enroll Now
Court Petition Writing (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CWS/CMS for New Users (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Emergency Response Fundamentals (Virtual Training)
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Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Trauma-Informed Permanency Planning Practices in Child Welfare: Translating Concepts into Concrete Applications
Enroll Now
IP-CANS: Collaborative Assessment and Planning through Teaming (previously Module A) (In-Person Training)
San Andreas
Enroll Now
SafeMeasures Basic Navigation (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Introduction to CWS/CMS and Computer Skills (Virtual Training)
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CWS/CMS Adoptions (Virtual)
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Effective CFT Meetings (Virtual Training)
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Introduction to RED Teams (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Motivational Interviewing for Wraparound Facilitation
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SOP: Behaviorally Based Case Plans
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Cultural Humility (In-Person Training)
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RFA Academy Series (Virtual - May '25)
Enroll Now
IP-CANS: Collaborative Assessment and Planning through Teaming (previously Module A)
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Coaching Difficult/Reluctant Workers (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CWS/CMS for New Users (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CACI (Child Welfare Central Index) Overview (Virtual Training)
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Court Report Writing (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Interviewing Techniques for Case Reviewers (Virtual Training)
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SafeMeasures Basic Navigation (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Organizational Strategies for Social Workers
Enroll Now
Trauma-Informed Practices for Emergency Response
Enroll Now
Psychotropic Medication in Foster Care (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CFT and CANS Learning Collaborative (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Sexual and Reproductive Wellness for Youth in Foster Care (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Court Testimony (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Writing Skills for Social Workers (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Resource Family Approval Learning Collaborative (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Dependency Legal Update - Webinar
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Court Testimony (In-Person Training)
Enroll Now

Courses Available But Not Currently Scheduled

Course Title
A Systems Approach to Integrating Trauma into Screening, Assessment, Treatment and Case Planning
Adaptive Leadership
Adolescent Brain Development and the Neurobiology of Trauma
Adolescent Brain Development and the Neurobiology of Trauma
Adoption Assistance Program (AAP)
Advanced Analytics for Child Welfare Administration & Data Slam
Advanced Analytics for Child Welfare Follow-up and Data Slam
Advanced Coaching Institute
Advanced Issues of Adult and Child Mental Health
Advanced SDM Hotline
Advancing Permanency through Adoption – Module 1: Foundation
Advancing Permanency through Adoption – Module 2: Assessment and Permanency Report Writing
Assessing Child Abuse and Neglect
Assessment and Treatment of Youth with Complex Needs
Best Practices for Safety Planning
CANS: Review and Case Planning
CFSR Case Review
CFSR Case Review Coaching Call
CFSR Quality Assurance Training
Child and Family Teaming Training For Trainers
Child Sexual Abuse: Case Planning & Case Management Considerations
Coaching Based Case Management: Coaching Teens and Young Adults
Coaching Institute for Child Welfare Supervisors
Coaching Institute for Human Service Directors
Coaching Institute for Human Services Instructors
Coaching Institute for Leadership
Coaching Institute for Program Managers
Coaching Institute for Program Managers
Coaching-Based Case Management: Coaching Clients
Cognitive Psychological and Brain Development in Adolescence
Cognitive, Psychological and Brain Development in Adolescence
Compassion Fatigue: Secondary Traumatization and the Importance of Self-Care
Concurrent Planning Principles
Core for Social Workers Field Advisor Convening
Court Procedures
CQI Webinar Series
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking in Child Welfare Practice
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Contact and Service Provider - Day 3 (Morning)
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Contacts, Family Finding, and Service Providers
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Court Hearing Process
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Court Hearing Process
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Foster Home Placement
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Foster Home Placement - Day 2 (Morning)
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Health and Education Pages - Day 3 (Afternoon)
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Referral Intake Process
CWS/CMS for Intermediate Users
CWS/CMS for Supervisors/Managers
CWS/CMS Health and Education Passport
CWS/CMS Placement
CWS/CMS Resource Management
Discovering Strengths
Domestic Violence
Educational Advocacy
Effects of Child Maltreatment
Enhancing Well-Being: Managing Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout
ER Academy for Supervisors and Program Managers
Extended Foster Care Learning Collaborative
Family Search and Engagement
Family Search and Engagement - Follow-Up Webinars
Family Systems Practice
Field Safety for Social Workers
Fiscal Essentials for Children's Services
Foundational Interviewing Skills for Social Workers
Fundamentals In Evidence-Based Decision Making
Gender and Healthy Sexual Development
Grief and Loss in the Reunification and Permanency Process
Grief and Loss: Supporting Children Who Have Been Removed from Their Home
Group Supervision
Health Care Needs of Children and Youth in CWS - Online
Immigration and Child Welfare: Addressing the Fear Factor
Incarcerated Parents Prison Visit
Individualized Care for Youth with Complex Needs
Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) Overview
Intermediate Business Intelligence
Interviewing and Engagement Skills
Interviewing Children and Special Populations
Introduction to Desktop Intelligence (DeskI)
Introduction to Mental Health: Child Welfare Case Management Informed by the DSM 5
Issues and Challenges in Adolescent Development and Behavior
LGBTQ Youth: Meeting the Requirement of AB1856
Manager's Convening: Envisioning Workforce Development, Retention and Support During Challenging Times
Neuroscience Series for Leaders: Creating an Environment of Social Coherence
Neuroscience Series for Leaders: Neuroscience of Leadership, Engagement and Connection
Neuroscience Series: Moving From Protection to Connection: Engagement with People Who Have Experienced Complex Trauma
Northern California Child Welfare Practicum:
A Program Improvement Practicum for Child Welfare Leaders
Parentage - Online
Permanency Academy for Supervisors and Program Managers
Preparing and Presenting Court Testimony
Qualitative Data
Recognizing and Responding to Trauma in Children and Families in Child Welfare Using a Healing-Centered Approach
Recognizing Drug Abuse in the Home: A Survival Guide
Resource Family Approval eLearning
RFA Academy
RFA Academy Series (Virtual - Fall '24)
RFA Academy Series (Virtual - Feb '24)
RFA Academy Series (Virtual - May '24)
Right Use of Power: Ethics in the Changing World of Youth Services
Risk Assessment
Safety Organized Practice Statewide Convening
Safety Organized Practice Training for Trainers
Safety Organized Practice: Learning Collaborative Series
SDM Instructor Support Session
Secondary Traumatic Stress and the Child Welfare Supervisor
Social Worker Safety Tactics
Social Worker Safety Tactics: Identifying, De-escalating and Avoiding Violent Situations
Solution Focused Interviewing
SOP Approach to Intimate Partner Violence Part 1: Partnering with the Survivor and Children
SOP for Supervisors
Strengthening Families Five Protective Factors Framework
Structured Decision Making for Social Workers
Substance Use Disorders and Child Welfare
Substance Use Disorders and Youth: An Overview
Supporting Families Challenged with Addiction
Supporting Safe Practice: Preventing Professional Dangerousness
Supporting Safe Practice: Preventing Professional Dangerousness
The Gut-Brain Axis and Well-Being
The Impact of Parental Incarceration on Children in the Child Welfare System.
The Role of Resource Parents in Reunification
Tools for Leadership Excellence
Tools for Supervisory Excellence
Training for Trainers: Impact of Parental Incarceration on Children and Families in Care
Transition Aged Youth and ILP Youth Symposium
Understanding and Promoting Healthy Adolescent Relationships with Peers, Caregivers, Siblings and Communities
Understanding and Supporting Healthy Adolescent Romantic Relationships
Understanding and Supporting the Sexual Health of Youth in Foster Care
Visits: Family Time as a Key to Permanency
Visits: Family Time as a Key to Permanency
Working with Traumatized Adults: Impacts Past/Present
Writing 366.26 Hearing and Post-Permanency Planning Reviews in CWS/CMS
Writing Family Reunification and Maintenance Reports in CWS/CMS
Writing Jurisdiction and Disposition Reports in CWS/CMS
Writing Skills for Child Welfare Workers - Online
Writing the Petition and Detention Report in CWS/CMS
Youth and SOGIE
Youth Use of Social Media, Gaming, and the Internet: A Caregiver's Guide