Understanding and Supporting the Sexual Health of Youth in Foster Care

The lack of comprehensive sexual education for youth in foster care has a significant correlation with high pregnancy rates and contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, among other negative outcomes. Unfortunately, there is often a lack of adults in the lives of foster youth who are willing to take on the responsibility of discussing these often uncomfortable topics such as sexual exploration and safety. This one-day workshop will provide child welfare professionals with new information and tools they can use to work with, understand and support adolescents in care who are developing and may be exploring their sexual identification.

After attending this training, successful participants will be able to:

  • Define the 11 aspects of sexuality
  • Describe data on teen sexual health – STDs, teen pregnancy and other related data
  • Discuss the barriers youth face in accessing information
  • Identify values and the place of values in sexuality education
  • Support healthy youth development
  • Refer youth to medically accurate health education resources

This course allows for participants to discuss their personal values regarding sexual identification and exploration and how to support adolescents as they develop theirs.

Course Code