Grief and Loss in the Reunification and Permanency Process

This workshop will include an introduction to help support and prepare participants through large and small group discussion on concurrent planning, reunification, positive parenting, and grief and loss. Participants will also understand and discuss the experience of grief and loss for foster children and their families, with a focus on caring for children who cannot reunify and understanding their feelings of grief and loss. Participants will learn content that is reinforced by values, skills, and knowledge as outlined in the learning objectives.

Topics Include:

  • Understand and value the importance of permanency for Children.
  • Exploring the dynamics experienced during concurrent planning and reunification through the lens of the RFA Family, and also the lens of Children in care.
  • Become knowledgeable about the impact of trauma, grief, and loss on all parties: The child, the birth-parents and resource families.
Course Code