Neuroscience Series: Creating an Environment of Social Coherence (Virtual Training)

This interactive science-based workshop draws on breakthroughs from the fields of modern neuroscience, social coherence, collective intelligence, flow and emotion regulation to provide fresh insights into what it takes to cultivate high performing teams and workplace environments that promote learning, innovation, high morale and forward movement.

After attending this training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the scientific state of coherence and how it relates to human performance in the child welfare workplace
  • Examine research in the field of collective intelligence and flow as it relates to child welfare leadership learning and performance
  • Apply science-backed approaches to creating coherent environments that promote flow and higher levels of human performance in team and group contexts

Several adult learning modalities consisting of a mix of lecture/presentation, video, practice exercises, small group activities, and context-driven discussion will be utilized to deepen levels of learner engagement and relevancy to improving individual, team, and organizational performance. Participants will walk away with strategies to elevate group intelligence that lead to improved outcomes at the child and family level.

Academic Units
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class