Being Effective with Difficult People |
CalWORKs 2.0 and Building/Maintaining Rapport during the Case Management Process |
CalWORKs 2.0 and Coaching Through Resistance |
CalWORKs 2.0 and Meaningful Welfare to Work Plans |
CalWORKs 2.0 and Motivational Interviewing |
CalWORKs 2.0: Assessing and Responding to Executive Function Development |
Case Management Engaging and Coaching for Change |
Child Welfare and Dual Diagnosis |
Cognitive Psychological and Brain Development in Adolescence |
Communicating Customer Service Excellence |
Defusing Hostile Situations for Frontline Staff |
Discovering Strengths |
Domestic Violence |
Domestic Violence in Older Adults |
Effective Communication with Challenging Behaviors |
Effects of Child Maltreatment |
Family Meeting Facilitation |
Family Systems Practice |
Indian Child Welfare Act |
Interactive Interviewing as an Art and Skill |
Interviewing and Engagement Skills |
Military Service and Aging Adults Recognizing Mental Health Concerns and Issues |
Minor Applicants and Recipients Training |
Multi–Cultural Aspects of Substance Abuse |
OCAT: Keys to Engagement |
Preparing and Presenting Court Testimony |
Professional Ethics in Public Assistance |
Providing Customer Service to People with Disabilities |
Recognizing and Responding to Trauma in Children and Families in Child Welfare Using a Healing-Centered Approach |
Risk Assessment |
Search Warrants for Investigators |
Social Worker Safety Tactics |
Strength Focused Engagement Strategies for Helping Professionals |
Strength-Based Solutions Focused Motivational Engagement |
Technical and Organizational Skills |
Time Management for Case Management |
Welfare to Work Case Management Organization for C-IV Counties |
Working with Challenging Behavior in the Older Client: Anger, Aggression, Grief, Guilt and Shame |
Working with Populations with Special Needs |
Writing Behaviorally Based Case Plans |
Writing Effective Case Notes |
Writing SMART Objectives |
WTW Activities and Creating WTW Plans (Activity Agreements) |
WTW Exemption Procedures & Re-Engagement Strategies |
Youth and SOGIE |