Bridging the Gap between Probation and Human Services |
Brief Introduction to Motivational Interviewing |
Building Cultural Competency: Recognizing Unconscious Bias |
Building Morale During Change |
Building Personal Resiliency |
Building Resiliency and Accountability for Helping Professionals |
Business Writing and Grammar Made Simple and Strong |
Communicating Customer Service Excellence |
Connecting with Others |
Cross Cultural Awareness - Implicit Bias and Cultural Competence |
Cultivating Resilience and Accountability |
Customer Service, Community Collaboration & Marketing |
Dealing With Change |
Diffusing Tensions with Optimal Customer Service |
DISC in the Workplace – Effective Communication Strategies for Teams |
Effective Communication with Challenging Behaviors |
Emerging Leaders Development Program (ELDP) |
Emotional Intelligence: Choosing Your Energy |
Empowerment and Emotional Intelligence |
Ethics, Confidentiality and Professional Boundaries (e-learning) |
Foundational Skills for Office Support Staff |
From Empathy to Compassion: The Science of Self-Care and Well-Being in Human Services |
Getting Ahead in Human Services By Managing Your Career |
Grant Writing Success 101: Essential Elements Unveiled |
Growth Mindset |
Human Services 101: The Helping Profession |
Humor in the Workplace |
Interactive Interviewing as an Art and Skill |
Intermediate Excel: Dealing with Data |
Intermediate Excel: Formatting Charts Graphs and Formulas |
Introduction to Government Project Management |
Lighting The Path to Workplace Retention, Career Progression and Job Satisfaction |
Maintaining Professional Objectivity |
Managing Your Life Through Time & Stress Management |
Mandated Reporting: Child & Elder/Dependent Abuse and Neglect in CA (e-learning) |
Motivating Yourself for Success |
Outcome-Focused Accountability for MOUs and Contracts |
Public Speaking and Presentation Skills |
Revealing Implicit Bias |
Self & Social Management of Conflict |
Team Building |
Technical and Organizational Skills |
The Frontline Leader: How to Build Influence as a Leader from Any Position within the Organization |
The Successful Teleworker |
Time and Stress Management |
Working with Diverse Populations |
Writing Successful Letters, Memos and Reports |