Workforce Development

Please browse the training opportunities on this page and contact your assigned Workforce Development Specialist to learn more about scheduling courses.

NOTE: The courses provided here are a sampling of the full curriculum we offer. We partner with agencies to provide training on a wide breadth of topic areas and will work with your agency to deliver the specific training topics that meets your organization’s workforce development needs.

Courses Available But Not Currently Scheduled

Course Title
Bridging the Gap between Probation and Human Services
Brief Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
Building Cultural Competency: Recognizing Unconscious Bias
Building Morale During Change
Building Personal Resiliency
Building Resiliency and Accountability for Helping Professionals
Business Writing and Grammar Made Simple and Strong
Communicating Customer Service Excellence
Connecting with Others
Cross Cultural Awareness - Implicit Bias and Cultural Competence
Cultivating Resilience and Accountability
Customer Service, Community Collaboration & Marketing
Dealing With Change
Diffusing Tensions with Optimal Customer Service
DISC in the Workplace – Effective Communication Strategies for Teams
Effective Communication with Challenging Behaviors
Emerging Leaders Development Program (ELDP)
Emotional Intelligence: Choosing Your Energy
Empowerment and Emotional Intelligence
Ethics, Confidentiality and Professional Boundaries (e-learning)
Foundational Skills for Office Support Staff
From Empathy to Compassion: The Science of Self-Care and Well-Being in Human Services
Getting Ahead in Human Services By Managing Your Career
Grant Writing Success 101: Essential Elements Unveiled
Growth Mindset
Human Services 101: The Helping Profession
Humor in the Workplace
Interactive Interviewing as an Art and Skill
Intermediate Excel: Dealing with Data
Intermediate Excel: Formatting Charts Graphs and Formulas
Introduction to Government Project Management
Lighting The Path to Workplace Retention, Career Progression and Job Satisfaction
Maintaining Professional Objectivity
Managing Your Life Through Time & Stress Management
Mandated Reporting: Child & Elder/Dependent Abuse and Neglect in CA (e-learning)
Motivating Yourself for Success
Outcome-Focused Accountability for MOUs and Contracts
Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
Revealing Implicit Bias
Self & Social Management of Conflict
Team Building
Technical and Organizational Skills
The Frontline Leader: How to Build Influence as a Leader from Any Position within the Organization
The Successful Teleworker
Time and Stress Management
Working with Diverse Populations
Writing Successful Letters, Memos and Reports