Self-awareness allows supervisors to identify the gaps in their leadership skills and reveal the areas where they are most effective and where there is opportunity for improvement. Before attending this session, participants will take an individual DiSC style assessment.
During the workshop, participants will increase their self-knowledge about how they respond to conflict, what motivates them, what causes stress, and how they solve problems. The assessment will assist supervisors in improving working relationships by recognizing the communication needs of team members.
In this unique and interactive training, we will:
- Learn about the DiSC model and completing an individual DiSC assessment
- Identift individual styles and explore the driving priorities during the workday
- Discover the similarities and differences among DiSC styles and how to use them to connect with others and engage a team
- Discover your reactions to different DiSC styles
- Identify what works for you and what challenges you when working with each style
- Use the DiSC model to understand the people you work with
- Learn how others have bridged their differences using DiSC
- Practice using DiSC to build more effective relationships at work
- Write an action plan for building more effective relationships
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