Leadership and Organizational Development

The Northern Academy offers several courses and other learning opportunities throughout the year designed for social work supervisors, managers and other administrators. These courses are carefully constructed with the specific training needs of Northern California child welfare leaders in mind, providing both information on day to day skills necessary to do their job, and the theoretical underpinnings of the social work field and current research.

How to Enroll

To enroll, select the title of the course you are interested in, review the course details, then click the "Enroll Now" button. You’ll be redirected to the California Child Welfare Training System (CACWT), where you will be required to log in to your account and follow the prompts to complete your registration. 

If you do not have a CACWT account, please contact your county training coordinator to request a profile be created for you.

Questions? If you need help enrolling or have any questions, contact us at academy@ucdavis.edu

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Participants enrolled in Northern Academy courses are eligible to receive credit from UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education through Continuing Education Units (CEUs). To learn more about CEUs, please visit our Credit Services webpage.

Scheduled Sections Open for Enrollment

Title City Start Date Sort descending Enroll
Core for Supervisors - February 2025 Cohort (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Neuroscience of Leadership and Transformational Change in Child Welfare (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Mindfulness: A Trauma-Informed Approach
Enroll Now
FFPS-CPP Leadership Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Trauma-Informed Permanency Planning Practices in Child Welfare: Translating Concepts into Concrete Applications
Enroll Now
IP-CANS in Supervision Coaching Staff Towards Practice Integration (previously Module C)
Enroll Now
Introduction to RED Teams (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Safety Organized Practice (SOP) Implementation and Sustainability Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Extended Foster Care Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Coaching Difficult/Reluctant Workers (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
FFPS-CPP Leadership Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Common Core 3.5 Field Advisor Training (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Organizational Strategies for Social Workers
Enroll Now
CFT and CANS Learning Collaborative (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Child Welfare Supervisor Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Resource Family Approval Learning Collaborative (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Supporting Safe Practice: Preventing Professional Dangerousness
Enroll Now
FFPS-CPP Leadership Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now

Courses Available But Not Currently Scheduled

Course Title
A Systems Approach to Integrating Trauma into Screening, Assessment, Treatment and Case Planning
Adaptive Leadership
Advanced Analytics for Child Welfare Administration & Data Slam
Advanced Analytics for Child Welfare Follow-up and Data Slam
Advanced Coaching Institute
Blending the Roles of Supervision through Safety Organized Practice
Burnout Summit for Child Welfare
CFT/CANS Regional Convening
Child and Family Teaming Training For Trainers
Child Interviewing Best Practices for Supervisors
Child Welfare Supervisor Learning Circles
Coaching Institute for Child Welfare Supervisors
Coaching Institute for Human Service Directors
Coaching Institute for Human Services Instructors
Coaching Institute for Leadership
Coaching Institute for Program Managers
Coaching Institute for Program Managers
Compassion Fatigue: Secondary Traumatization and the Importance of Self-Care
Core for Supervisors Module 2: Advanced SafeMeasures for Supervisors
CQI in Human Services Leadership Summit
CQI Statewide Conference for Child Welfare and Probation
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking in Child Welfare Practice
Culturally Responsive Practice and Behaviors Tool Learning Collaborative
Culturally Responsive Practice and Behaviors Tool Learning Collaborative
Enhancing Well-Being and Managing Secondary Trauma and Burnout: The Supervisor’s Journey
ER Academy for Supervisors and Program Managers
Family First Prevention and Services Act (FFPSA) Part 1- Prevention Services Convening
Field Advisor and the Field Guide: Getting to Know the Roles and Activities (Webinar)
Fundamentals In Evidence-Based Decision Making
FURS Regional Convening
Group Supervision
ICPM Manager Convening
Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) Leadership Learning Collaborative
Leadership at Any Level: Leading Change During Uncertain Times
Manager's Convening: Envisioning Workforce Development, Retention and Support During Challenging Times
Neuroscience Series for Leaders: Creating an Environment of Social Coherence
Neuroscience Series for Leaders: Neuroscience of Leadership, Engagement and Connection
Northern California Child Welfare Practicum:
A Program Improvement Practicum for Child Welfare Leaders
Permanency Academy for Supervisors and Program Managers
Qualitative Data
Reflective Supervision In Child Welfare Simulation
Safety Organized Practice Training for Trainers
SDM Instructor Support Session
Secondary Trauma, Burnout and Self-Care Learning Circle for Child Welfare Supervisors (Virtual Training)
Secondary Trauma, Burnout and Self-Care Learning Circle for Child Welfare Supervisors (Virtual Training)
Secondary Traumatic Stress and the Child Welfare Supervisor
Small County Learning Collaborative
SOP for Supervisors
SOP for Supervisors
Supporting Worker Well-Being: Attending to the Emotional Impacts of Work in Child Welfare through Supervision
The Belonging Need (Webinar Series)
The Science of Self-Mastery: An Integrative NeuroSomatic Approach to Elevating Your Leadership & Your Life
Tools for Leadership Excellence
Tools for Supervisory Excellence
Tools for Supervisory Excellence
Transition Aged Youth and ILP Youth Symposium
Using Safety Organized Practice (SOP) for Resiliency Building in CWS Staff