Child Interviewing Best Practices for Supervisors

This training provides child welfare supervisors with an opportunity to learn about and apply the latest research and protocols on child interviewing best practices so that they can provide modeling, support, reinforcement, and ongoing skill development in collaboration with their workers.

After attending this training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify key components of child interviewing best practices, including a child-centered trauma-informed approach and utilization of the 10-Step Investigative Interview protocol
  • Utilize quality questions and rapport-building skills to enhance engagement/assessment with children/youth
  • Identify strengths and need areas as it pertains to worker knowledge, skills, and documentation related to child interviewing/engagement best practices
  • Incorporate the 3 key phases of quality engagement into your consultation/supervision to enhance worker’s practice
  • Apply supervisory tools to increase opportunities for goal setting, feedback, monitoring, and skill development with social workers
  • Value the positive impact that quality engagement can have on children and families

Please note that while this training is beneficial for all child welfare supervisors, it is targeted for those who supervise investigation units or social workers who investigate alleged child abuse referrals.

Course Code