
Training in this behavior of the ICPM will help participants to:

  • Listen to the child, youth, young adult and family, and demonstrate that you care about their thoughts and experiences
  • Demonstrate an interest in connecting with the child, youth, young adult and family, and help them identify and meet their goals
  • Identify and engage family members and others who are important to the child, youth, young adult and family
  • Support and facilitate the family’s capacity to advocate for themselves

How to Enroll

To enroll, select the title of the course you are interested in, review the course details, then click the "Enroll Now" button. You’ll be redirected to the California Child Welfare Training System (CACWT), where you will be required to log in to your account and follow the prompts to complete your registration. If you do not have a CACWT account, please contact your county training coordinator to request a profile be created for you.

Questions? If you need help enrolling or have any questions, contact us at (530) 757-8725 or academy@ucdavis.edu

Courses Available But Not Currently Scheduled

Course Title
Advanced Coaching Institute
Anti-Racist Practice: Disproportionality and Systemic Racism
Anti-Racist Practice: Foundational
Blending the Roles of Supervision through Safety Organized Practice
Child Welfare Supervisor Learning Circles
Coaching Based Case Management: Coaching Teens and Young Adults
Coaching Institute for Child Welfare Supervisors
Coaching Institute for Human Service Directors
Coaching Institute for Human Services Instructors
Coaching Institute for Leadership
Coaching Institute for Program Managers
Compassion Fatigue: Secondary Traumatization and the Importance of Self-Care
Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation with Adolescent Clients
Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation with Youth
Contagion: Prevention Against Toxic Practices While Promoting Trauma Informed Services
Discovering What Matters: The Neuroscience of Purpose in Human Services
Engaging Fathers: Strategies to Involve and Advocate for Fathers and Their Families
Family Search and Engagement
Family Search and Engagement - Follow-Up Webinars
Family Time Coaching Learning Collaborative
Gender and Healthy Sexual Development
Immigration and Child Welfare: Addressing the Fear Factor
Leadership at Any Level: Leading Change During Uncertain Times
LGBTQ Youth: Meeting the Requirement of AB1856
Manager's Convening: Envisioning Workforce Development, Retention and Support During Challenging Times
Managing Effective Telecommuters (Virtual Training)
Mind, Body and the Vagus Nerve Connection
Neuroscience Series for Leaders: Creating an Environment of Social Coherence
Neuroscience Series for Leaders: Neuroscience of Leadership, Engagement and Connection
Neuroscience Series: Moving From Protection to Connection: Engagement with People Who Have Experienced Complex Trauma
Reflective Supervision In Child Welfare Simulation
Safety Organized Practice Statewide Convening
Safety Organized Practice Training for Trainers
Solution Focused Interviewing
Solution-Focused Interviewing - El Dorado
SOP for Supervisors
SOP for Supervisors
SOP For Support Staff
SOP Foundational Institute
SOP Interviewing Children
SOP Safety and Permanency Networks
Strengthening Families Five Protective Factors Framework
Supporting Worker Well-Being: Attending to the Emotional Impacts of Work in Child Welfare through Supervision
The Belonging Need (Webinar Series)
The Neuroscience of Engagement and Emotional Wellness in Child and Family Systems of Care
Tools for Leadership Excellence
Tools for Supervisory Excellence
Transition Aged Youth and ILP Youth Symposium
Trauma-Informed Practices for Permanency Planning
Working with Traumatized Children and Families
Youth Use of Social Media, Gaming, and the Internet: A Caregiver's Guide