Health and Well-Being

As part of the regularly scheduled courses the Northern Academy offers, several are specific to assisting those with health or mental health needs. These courses deal directly with medical, psychological and pharmacological issues in the social work context and are taught by highly skilled health and/or mental health practitioners. Sample courses include Children with Developmental Disabilities and Medically Fragile Infants


How to Enroll

To enroll, select the title of the course you are interested in, review the course details, then click the "Enroll Now" button. You’ll be redirected to the California Child Welfare Training System (CACWT), where you will be required to log in to your account and follow the prompts to complete your registration. 

If you do not have a CACWT account, please contact your county training coordinator to request a profile be created for you.

Questions? If you need help enrolling or have any questions, contact us at

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Participants enrolled in Northern Academy courses are eligible to receive credit from UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education through Continuing Education Units (CEUs). To learn more about CEUs, please visit our Credit Services webpage.


Scheduled Sections Open for Enrollment

Title City Start Date Sort descending Enroll
Reflective Supervision in Child Welfare (PILOT) Enroll Now
Enhancing Well-Being: Managing Secondary Trauma & Burnout in Child Welfare - Two-Part Series
Enroll Now
The Neuroscience of Engagement and Emotional Wellness in Child and Family Systems of Care (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Organizational Strategies for Social Workers
Enroll Now
Using SOP for Resiliency Building in Child Welfare Staff
Enroll Now
Neuroscience Series: Moving From Protection to Connection: Engagement with People Who Have Experienced Complex Trauma (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Substance Use Disorders Identification, Treatment and CWS Intervention
Enroll Now
Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation with Youth (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Sexual and Reproductive Wellness for Youth in Foster Care (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Mindfulness: A Trauma-Informed Approach
Enroll Now
Trauma-Informed Permanency Planning Practices in Child Welfare: Translating Concepts into Concrete Applications
Enroll Now
Advanced Substance Use Disorder (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Organizational Strategies for Social Workers
Enroll Now
Trauma-Informed Practices for Emergency Response
Enroll Now
Psychotropic Medication in Foster Care (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Sexual and Reproductive Wellness for Youth in Foster Care (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Enhancing Well-Being: Managing Secondary Trauma & Burnout in Child Welfare - Two-Part Series
Enroll Now
Applying the SPHERE Model to Support Trauma Recovery and Assist with Well-Being
Enroll Now

Courses Available But Not Currently Scheduled

Course Title
A Systems Approach to Integrating Trauma into Screening, Assessment, Treatment and Case Planning
Adolescent Brain Development and the Neurobiology of Trauma
Adolescent Brain Development and the Neurobiology of Trauma
Advanced Issues of Adult and Child Mental Health
Burnout Summit for Child Welfare
Cognitive Psychological and Brain Development in Adolescence
Cognitive, Psychological and Brain Development in Adolescence
Compassion Fatigue: Secondary Traumatization and the Importance of Self-Care
Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation with Adolescent Clients
Discovering What Matters: The Neuroscience of Purpose in Human Services
Domestic Violence
Effects of Child Maltreatment
Enhancing Well-Being and Managing Secondary Trauma and Burnout: The Supervisor’s Journey
Enhancing Well-Being: Managing Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout
Field Safety for Social Workers
Gender and Healthy Sexual Development
Grief and Loss: Supporting Children Who Have Been Removed from Their Home
Health Care Needs of Children and Youth in CWS - Online
Introduction to Mental Health: Child Welfare Case Management Informed by the DSM 5
Issues and Challenges in Adolescent Development and Behavior
Mind, Body and the Vagus Nerve Connection
Recognizing and Responding to Trauma in Children and Families in Child Welfare Using a Healing-Centered Approach
Recognizing Drug Abuse in the Home: A Survival Guide
Secondary Trauma and Self-Care: Healing the Healer
Secondary Trauma, Burnout and Self-Care Learning Circle for Child Welfare Supervisors (Virtual Training)
Secondary Trauma, Burnout and Self-Care Learning Circle For Child Welfare Workers (Virtual Training)
Secondary Trauma, Burnout and Self-Care Learning Circle for Line Staff
Secondary Traumatic Stress and the Child Welfare Supervisor
Social Worker Safety Tactics
Social Worker Safety Tactics: Identifying, De-escalating and Avoiding Violent Situations
SOP Approach to Intimate Partner Violence Part 1: Partnering with the Survivor and Children
Substance Use Disorders and Child Welfare
Substance Use Disorders and Youth: An Overview
Supporting Families Challenged with Addiction
Supporting Safe Practice: Preventing Professional Dangerousness
Supporting Safe Practice: Preventing Professional Dangerousness
Supporting Worker Well-Being: Attending to the Emotional Impacts of Work in Child Welfare through Supervision
The Belonging Need (Webinar Series)
The Gut-Brain Axis and Well-Being
The Impact of Parental Incarceration on Children in the Child Welfare System.
The Science of Self-Mastery: An Integrative NeuroSomatic Approach to Elevating Your Leadership & Your Life
Training for Trainers: Impact of Parental Incarceration on Children and Families in Care
Understanding and Managing the “Interfacing Anxiety” of COVID-19
Understanding and Promoting Healthy Adolescent Relationships with Peers, Caregivers, Siblings and Communities
Understanding and Supporting Healthy Adolescent Romantic Relationships
Understanding and Supporting the Sexual Health of Youth in Foster Care
Using Safety Organized Practice (SOP) for Resiliency Building in CWS Staff
Working with Traumatized Adults: Impacts Past/Present
Working with Traumatized Children and Families
Youth Use of Social Media, Gaming, and the Internet: A Caregiver's Guide