UC Davis Human Services offers hundreds of professional development courses through our Custom Training and Services program. To help you identify which training offerings may work well for your staff, teams and organization, here’s a list of our most requested courses from the most recently completed fiscal year.
- Fiscal Essentials for Public Assistance Programs
- Supervisor Development Series I: Leading from the Inside Out
- Public Assistance Lead Worker Series
- Time and Caseload Management for Eligibility Workers
- Mandated Domestic Abuse Training for CalWORKs Staff
- Cross Cultural Awareness - Implicit Bias and Cultural Competence
- Customer Service - It starts on the Inside
- Project Management Skills for Executive Leaders and Managers
- Diffusing Hostility and Violence
- Effective Communication with Challenging Behaviors
- Defusing Hostile Situations: Crisis Intervention De-escalation Techniques Trauma-Informed Practice
- Foundations in Youth and SOGIE
- Mandatory and Voluntary Reporting-Processing the SAR 7
- Foundations in SOGIE
- Mandated Domestic Abuse Training for Welfare to Work Staff
- Intermediate Excel: Dealing with Data
- De-escalation Techniques for Challenging Behaviors
- Project Management and Delegation
- Vicarious & Secondary Trauma: Toxic Stress, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout
- Connecting with Others
- Practicing Mindfulness at Work
- CalWORKs Time on Aid (Time Clocks)
- Noncitizen Eligibility Across All Programs
- Coaching Skills in Welfare to Work
- Long Term Care and Home and Community Alternatives in Medi-Cal