Addressing Challenging Behaviors in Supporting Older Adults |
Addressing Unhoused Population Needs Through Strength-Focused Interviewing |
Bridges Out of Poverty |
Brief Introduction to Motivational Interviewing |
CalWORKs 2.0 Principles: Encouraging Client Success |
Case Management Engaging and Coaching for Change |
Conflict Resolution and De-escalation with Youth |
Domestic Violence Fundamentals |
Effective communication with Mental Health Challenged Adults |
Empathy and Trauma Informed Services |
Encouraging Client Engagement |
Interviewing and Engagement Skills |
Introduction to Human Trafficking Impacts in California and Tribal Communities (1.5 day version) |
Mental Well-Being in Tribal Communities |
Motivational Interviewing to Facilitate Family Change |
Strength Focused Engagement Strategies for Helping Professionals |
Supporting Families Challenged with Addiction |
The Basics for Supporting Families Challenged with Addiction |
Trauma 101 for Social Service Professionals |
Understanding and Engaging Older Adults |
Understanding Homelessness 101 |
Understanding the Impact of Homelessness |
Working with Traumatized Children and Families |