Conflict Resolution and De-escalation with Youth

This training addresses strategies for conflict resolution and de-escalation with adolescent or transition-age youth. Participants will leave this day-long training with improved understanding, skills and strategies to prevent and intervene when conflict arises. The course will address personal safety, early engagement, conflict styles and conflict resolution skills, how to take a youth-centered approach, conducting rapid assessments, and addressing secondary trauma. Case studies and de-escalation skills and practice will be incorporated.

Knowledge Objectives:
K1: Define and differentiate various conflict styles and their relevance in professional settings.
K2: Identify and describe common "hot button" issues encountered when responding to conflict, especially with youth.
K3: Explain the advantages of implementing youth-centered strategies for both conflict prevention and intervention.
K4: Summarize the key principles and benefits of reframing and de-escalating conflict situations.

Skill Objectives:
S1: Demonstrate the ability to analyze and apply different conflict resolution strategies and techniques, including those for reframing and de-escalation.
S2: Practice effective inquiry skills to assess the appropriateness of interventions and responses in conflict situations.
S3: Apply learned knowledge and skills to one's role as a social worker, care provider, or licenser, aligning actions with relevant statutes, mandates, and best practices.

Value Objectives:
V1: Recognize and appreciate the importance of fostering a youth-centered approach in conflict resolution.
V2: Commit to ethical and legal considerations while providing care and services as a social worker or care provider for youth.
Course Code