Wraparound Services

California child welfare, probation and behavioral health professionals have long recognized that children and youth thrive best in families, in the neighborhoods they know, and in their own schools and communities. Children and youth with high needs often leave behind all they know and those they love when placed out of their homes. Wraparound is an approach that allows children and youth with high needs to successfully remain in family settings and in their own communities.

The Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice, supported by the California Department of Social Services, provides tailored services and training to support Wraparound. The courses listed below are open for enrollment for Wraparound county agency staff, mental health providers, parent partners, probation staff, and community partners/stakeholders. Please see specific course enrollment policies for more information.

New to the Wraparound process? The Foundational Wraparound Training Passport will help you navigate through the fundamental courses that are essential to understanding the Wraparound process. 


Scheduled Sections Open for Enrollment

Title City Start Date Sort descending Enroll
ECHO: Complex Care Series
Enroll Now
Plan of Care Skills Lab
Enroll Now
CSEC for Peer Support Staff: Advocacy, Strategies and Understanding the Clinical Needs
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Specialized Permanency Services: Fostering Lifelong Connections
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The Neuroscience of Trauma: Understanding Psychological Wounds Through the Lens of Neurophysiology 
Wait List
Partnering with Education in Wraparound
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Clinicians in Wraparound
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What About Dads?
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Coaching in Wraparound: Coaching Teams
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Anti-Racist Practice: Disproportionality & Systemic Racism Course for Wraparound
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Family Time Coaching
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Family Finding, Search and Engagement for Wraparound
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Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
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Child and Family Team Meetings: Facilitation Training for Wraparound Practitioners
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Wrapping Littles: Wraparound for Children 0-5 and Families
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The Strengthening Families Five Protective Factors Framework
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Foundational Wraparound
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Natural Supports Skills Lab
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Mindfulness: A Trauma-Informed Approach
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Partnering with Education in Wraparound
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Peer Partners: Setting Healthy Boundaries
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Neuroscience of Wraparound
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Motivational Interviewing for Wraparound Facilitation
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Foundational Wraparound Training for Trainers
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Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey (ACES) and Trauma Informed Care
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The Neuroscience of Trauma: Understanding Psychological Wounds Through the Lens of Neurophysiology 
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Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth and Families with Compassion and Impartiality
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Foundational Wraparound
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Specialized Permanency Services: Fostering Lifelong Connections
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Plan of Care Skills Lab
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Wrapping Littles: Wraparound for Children 0-5 and Families
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Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Overview & Tribal Engagement in Teaming Best Practices
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Transition Planning in Wraparound Skills Lab
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Safety and Crisis Planning Skills Lab
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Anti-Racist Practice: Allyship Course for Wraparound
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Secondary Trauma: Special Considerations for Parent Partners
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