Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Most disrupted placements stem from behavior management difficulties. Roughly half the children and youth in child welfare are dealing with neurological impairments from prenatal alcohol exposure that, on top of trauma, cause upsetting and disruptive behaviors–intolerable to many and uncontrollable by traditional parenting. Most of these children are never diagnosed accurately with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) but instead carry the partially correct ADHD, Bipolar, Learning Disability, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder labels. The brain dysfunction of FASD goes way beyond any one of these categories, causing tremendous upheaval in the individual and the family. When FASD is not recognized (or at least hypothesized), interventions misfire, and anger, shame, blame and chaos prevail. 

If the pattern of prenatal alcohol damage is recognized, the behavior reframed accurately, and more useful supports implemented, life becomes simpler and the chances for a successful transit to adulthood increase. Family stress is reduced, and professional sense of efficacy increased.

This training will help participants gain a foundational understanding of FASD and its impact across all aspects of development in order to better assess and provide services for children and youth who are dealing with neurological impariments from this disorder.

After attending this training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe FASD and its impact across the lifespan on all aspects of development 
  • Recognize the pattern of FASD in children and adults
  • Identify the impact of FASD on placement disruption and tailor interventions to support family and individual stability
  • Understand how to proceed in the absence of formal diagnosis
  • Access screening tools for both exposure and impact of prenatal alcohol 
Academic Units
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class

Section Notes

The format of this virtual training will be on Zoom. You will receive login information via email once your enrollment has been received.

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