Foundational Wraparound

The Foundational Wraparound training is hybrid in format, with both live (virtual) classes and independent learning opportunities. This course will walk participants through the Wraparound process, introducing the key phases, principles and practices of the Wraparound team. The training starts with a 2-hour orientation (the first date listed on the right-side bar) and is followed by five separate instructor-led modules (all modules are 3 hours except module 3 which is 4 hours – together totaling 18 hours of in-class time). Independent learning opportunities will take between 1 – 4 hours to complete in between sessions (the orientation will explain the independent work. Please plan on spending approximately 3 hours independently between the orientation and module 1).

This course provides a comprehensive overview of High-Fidelity Wraparound, and is appropriate for all members of the Wraparound team, including facilitators (care coordinators), peer partners, family specialists, supervisors and others. The Wraparound model enhances safety, permanency, and well-being for children and youth and is implemented in California according to the California Wraparound Standards.

The learning objectives align to fulfill 6 key goals for participants to achieve:

  • Recognize, understand and be able to describe the basic components of Wraparound (including the principles and phases) in culturally responsive, family-friendly language.
  • Understand what engaging children, youth and families means and why it is so important.
  • Value the Wraparound Child and Family Team including why specific individuals are part of the team and their various roles throughout the Four Phases.
  • Understand how to work with families during times of crisis and help them plan for future crises.
  • Understand families have both strengths and needs and that the most successful work with children, youth and families is strengths-based.
  • Understand how Wraparound works with families by using individualized plans of care from the initial through the transitional plans. These plans of care among other things measure progress and outcomes throughout the Wraparound process.
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class

Association Credits

CA Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (BBS)
16.50 BBS (050148) hours

Section Notes

Professional Credit

UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. Approval of this course for continuing education credit is still pending at this time. If approved, the course may meet the qualifications for 16.5 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Provider number 050148. Certificates of completion will be sent to participants within 4 weeks after the course after attendance and number of credits to be received are verified.

The format of this virtual training will be on Zoom. You will receive login information via email once your enrollment has been received.

ADA Compliance

UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education is committed to assisting students with disabilities, including mobility, visual, hearing, communication and learning disabilities, to participate fully in our programs. Our website includes information on how students with disabilities can request reasonable accommodations to address their special needs: If you require special accommodations for promotional material, please call (530) 752-9726 or email and we will be happy to assist you. UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education complies with all local, state and federal regulations including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  

Customer Grievance

UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education is committed to providing education, professional training and consultation services that are of the highest quality and consistent with the high standards of the University of California. UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education is fully committed to compliance with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be nondiscriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of students and other customers. Complaints about course content or instructors are best directed to the specific center within UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education which is offering the course. For more information, please call (530) 752-9726.