Upcoming Academy Classes

The following is a list of upcoming training offerings from the Northern Academy that are now open for enrollment. Note: This list does not include Core for Social Workers, Core for Supervisors or CWS/CMS Consortium courses as these have an alternate enrollment process.

How to Enroll

To enroll, select the title of the course you are interested in, review the course details, then click the "Enroll Now" button. You’ll be redirected to the California Child Welfare Training System (CACWT), where you will be required to log in to your account and follow the prompts to complete your registration. If you do not have a CACWT account, please contact your county training coordinator to request a profile be created for you.

Questions? If you need help enrolling or have any questions, contact us at (530) 757-8725 or academy@ucdavis.edu

Scheduled Sections Open for Enrollment

Title City Start Date Sort descending Enroll
Reflective Supervision in Child Welfare (PILOT) Enroll Now
Core for Supervisors - February 2025 Cohort (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Child and Family Team (CFT) Meetings: Facilitation Training
Enroll Now
Advancing Permanency through Adoption – Module 3: RFA, ICWA, Finalization and Post-Adoption
Enroll Now
Leadership at Any Level: Leading Change During Uncertain Times
Enroll Now
ICWA Webinar Series: Qualified Expert Witness
Enroll Now
Using SOP for Resiliency Building in Child Welfare Staff
Enroll Now
Business Intelligence 4.3 (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Court Procedures (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Neuroscience Series: Moving From Protection to Connection: Engagement with People Who Have Experienced Complex Trauma (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Substance Use Disorders Identification, Treatment and CWS Intervention
Enroll Now
CWS/CMS for New Users (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation with Youth (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Child Sexual Abuse: Case Planning & Case Management Considerations
Enroll Now
ICWA Webinar Series: Tribal Consultation & Collaboration
Enroll Now
Child Welfare Supervisor Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Concurrent Planning Principles (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Sexual and Reproductive Wellness for Youth in Foster Care (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CA FFPS Learning Series: ICPM Overview
Enroll Now
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Foster Home Placement
Enroll Now
Reflective Supervision In Child Welfare Simulation
Enroll Now
FFPS-CPP Leadership Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Concurrent Planning Conversations and Documentation (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Creating Case Plans in CWS/CMS
Enroll Now
CQI Statewide Conference for Child Welfare and Probation
Enroll Now
Introduction to SDM (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CWS/CMS for New Users (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Neuroscience of Leadership and Transformational Change in Child Welfare (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Linkages Overview: CalWORKs and Child Welfare Collaboration - Empowering Families Through Partnership
Enroll Now
Mindfulness: A Trauma-Informed Approach
Enroll Now
Transition Aged Youth and Extended Foster Care
Enroll Now
SafeMeasures Basic Navigation (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
IP-CANS: Overview and Preparation for Certification (previously Module B)
Enroll Now
Foundations in Youth and SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression) (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) Overview
Enroll Now
Court Testimony (In-Person Training)
Enroll Now
Child Interviewing Best Practices for Social Workers
Enroll Now
SOP Skills Lab: Harm and Danger, Safety Goals
Enroll Now
Worker Safety
Enroll Now
Best Practices for Intake/Hotline Workers (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Advancing Permanency Through Adoptions Module 4: Adoption Subsidy Laws, Policies and Eligibility
Enroll Now
Integrating CANS into CFT Meetings & Case Planning
Enroll Now
Case Review Learning Collaborative (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
SOP Skills Lab: Harm and Danger, Safety Goals
Enroll Now
ICWA: History, Policy and Practice (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) Overview
Enroll Now
Anti-Racist Practice: Implicit Bias and Microaggressions (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Extended Foster Care: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go
Enroll Now
Court Petition Writing (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
FFPS-CPP Leadership Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
CWS/CMS for New Users (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Emergency Response Fundamentals (Virtual Training)
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Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CA FFPS Learning Series: Shifting Mindset toward Prevention
Enroll Now
Safety Organized Practice (SOP) Foundations
Enroll Now
Linkages: Coordinated Case Planning – A Roadmap to Strengthening Families
Enroll Now
IP-CANS: Collaborative Assessment and Planning through Teaming (previously Module A) (In-Person Training)
San Andreas
Enroll Now
Trauma-Informed Permanency Planning Practices in Child Welfare: Translating Concepts into Concrete Applications
Enroll Now
Understanding Personality Disorders (Virtual)
Enroll Now
SafeMeasures Basic Navigation (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CWS/CMS Adoptions (Virtual)
Enroll Now
CWS Clerical Support Staff Training: Introduction to CWS/CMS and Computer Skills (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Working with Fathers in Child Welfare (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Creating Case Plans in CWS/CMS (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Commercial Sexual Exploitation Among Tribal Youth in California: Culture is Prevention (Pilot)
Enroll Now
IP-CANS in Supervision Coaching Staff Towards Practice Integration (previously Module C)
Enroll Now
Effective CFT Meetings (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CA FFPS Learning Series: Implicit Bias and Disproportionality
Enroll Now
Introduction to RED Teams (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Linkages: CalWORKs and ER – Strengthening Families Through Collaboration During ER
Enroll Now
Safety Organized Practice (SOP) Implementation and Sustainability Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Child Interviewing Best Practices for Supervisors
Enroll Now
Extended Foster Care Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Quality Caseworker Visits
Enroll Now
Best Practices for Emergency Response (Virtual)
Enroll Now
SOP: Behaviorally Based Case Plans
Enroll Now
Cultural Humility (In-Person Training)
Enroll Now
Anti-Racist Practice: Allyship (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Crisis Intervention and De-Escalation with Foster Youth and Caregivers (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) Overview-Pilot (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Father Engagement Skills Lab (Virtual)
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Advanced Substance Use Disorder (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
IP-CANS: Collaborative Assessment and Planning through Teaming (previously Module A)
Enroll Now
Coaching Difficult/Reluctant Workers (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
RFA Academy Series (Virtual - May '25)
Enroll Now
CA FFPS Learning Series: FFPS Overview
Enroll Now
FFPS-CPP Leadership Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Common Core 3.5 Field Advisor Training (Virtual)
Enroll Now
CACI (Child Welfare Central Index) Overview (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
CA FFPS Learning Series: Implicit Bias and Disproportionality
Enroll Now
Motivational Interviewing to Facilitate Family Change (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Court Report Writing (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Interviewing Techniques for Case Reviewers (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
California Safety Organized Practice Conference
Enroll Now
Organizational Strategies for Social Workers
Enroll Now
CA FFPS Learning Series: ICPM Overview
Enroll Now
Psychotropic Medication in Foster Care (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Trauma-Informed Practices for Emergency Response
Enroll Now
Sexual Abuse Investigations: Interviewing and Evaluating Children’s Disclosures through a Research-Based Lens
Enroll Now
CFT and CANS Learning Collaborative (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
ICWA: History, Policy and Practice (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Enhancing Well-Being: Managing Secondary Trauma & Burnout in Child Welfare - Two-Part Series
Enroll Now
Sexual and Reproductive Wellness for Youth in Foster Care (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Court Testimony (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Writing Skills for Social Workers (Virtual Training)
Enroll Now
Child Welfare Supervisor Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
Resource Family Approval Learning Collaborative (Virtual)
Enroll Now
Supporting Safe Practice: Preventing Professional Dangerousness
Enroll Now
Dependency Legal Update - Webinar
Enroll Now
Applying the SPHERE Model to Support Trauma Recovery and Assist with Well-Being
Enroll Now
FFPS-CPP Leadership Learning Collaborative
Enroll Now
CA FFPS Learning Series: Shifting Mindset toward Prevention
Enroll Now
SOP Approach to Intimate Partner Violence Part 2: Perpetrator Engagement and Responsibility
Enroll Now
Child and Family Team (CFT) Meetings: Facilitation Training
Enroll Now