Wraparound Blog Posts

Wraparound Connections
Spring 2024

Screenshot of cover for Spring 2024 Wraparound Connections publication

Read our latest issue with current information about local, state and national Wraparound issues and news from the field.


Springing for Summer at UC Davis Human Services

This edition of the newsletter provides three compelling examples of people and families not only overcoming challenges, but also becoming champions for others through their lived experiences. There is no denying the power of peer support. Families are often provided “professional” services but being surrounded by folks that can provide sincere compassion, advice, and sometimes even a kick in the rear, because they have also been through it just hits differently.

We Became a Power Team: Combining Our Knowledge Took Us to the Next Level!

A Wraparound Family Story

I had the pleasure of interviewing Yolanda and Robert, experienced Resource Parents, about their journey of adopting their two girls through the foster care system. It was evident right from the start that this family was determined to make it.

Siblings, Isabella (14), and Sophia (10) were placed with Yolanda and Robert two and half years ago. At the offset, the girls had difficulty with the transition. The girls had come from a previous placement that didn’t work out, and their behaviors at times placed them in dangerous situations. 

The Power of Support From Our Peers

I was lost, confused, and afraid. I reached into the darkness of my mind and grasped at thoughts for understanding. Instead, my fingers were gummed up with chaos. It was Friday night, and the police had placed me in custody as a victim of child abuse. 

California Wraparound: Building Hope and Opportunity


It has truly been an honor to serve as a California Wraparound Steering Committee member and to partner with its diverse team of leaders dedicated to improving the quality of Wraparound services for the children, youth, and families across the state of California. As I reflect on my professional journey of 30+ years in San Luis Obispo County, I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to serve in the fields of Behavioral Health, San Luis Obispo County Department of Social Services, Juvenile Probation and Family Care Network.

Strengthening Parents to Get Back Up!

A parent partner is someone who has lived experiences that they share with other parents who are going through similar difficult circumstances. Parent partners have the heart to share their struggles and their mistakes to strengthen and provide hope to those who otherwise may feel hopeless. 

Acronym Corner: Special Education Edition

In support of Wraparound providers leveling the playing field for their families, we will feature a few common acronyms and their meanings in each newsletter. This edition focuses on a few from the Special Education system. Add this information to your toolkits!

New Year? We’re in the Air!

It wouldn’t be entirely accurate to say we’ve hit the ground running in 2024 here at the Resource Center for Family Focused Practice; in fact, there might not have been any contact with the ground at all. We were absolutely flying to end 2023 and continue to soar as a team straight into 2024.

We Never Gave Up! Ten Years After Wraparound

This family’s story was first featured in the October 2012 issue of the California Wraparound Connections Newsletter—10 years ago! I had the honor of following up on this family and seeing where they are now. Let’s find out!

Embracing Wraparound Service Continuums

In recent years, California has taken significant steps towards transforming its support for youth and families within our communities. Central to this transformation is the implementation of readily available service options for families when they are in critical need, eliminating the need to wait until their crisis worsens before they can receive support.

Understanding the Crisis Cycle

In the world of Wraparound services, we share a profound commitment to supporting families in crisis. We understand that each family is unique, and the challenges they face are equally distinct. To effectively assist them, it is essential for both staff and families to grasp the intricacies of crisis cycles

“One Day I Want to do Your Job!” A Ten-Year Retrospective

Ten years ago, I sat with my Wraparound team in a Child and Family Team Meeting as they talked about how well our family was doing. Right then, something inside me lit up. After the meeting, I was talking to my Family Partner, Ebony Chambers. “One day I want to do your job.,” I told her. “I want to help caregivers in the same way you have helped me!”