Wraparound Connections Winter 2024

New Year? We’re in the Air!

It wouldn’t be entirely accurate to say we’ve hit the ground running in 2024 here at the Resource Center for Family Focused Practice; in fact, there might not have been any contact with the ground at all. We were absolutely flying to end 2023 and continue to soar as a team straight into 2024.

We Never Gave Up! Ten Years After Wraparound

This family’s story was first featured in the October 2012 issue of the California Wraparound Connections Newsletter—10 years ago! I had the honor of following up on this family and seeing where they are now. Let’s find out!

Embracing Wraparound Service Continuums

In recent years, California has taken significant steps towards transforming its support for youth and families within our communities. Central to this transformation is the implementation of readily available service options for families when they are in critical need, eliminating the need to wait until their crisis worsens before they can receive support.

Understanding the Crisis Cycle

In the world of Wraparound services, we share a profound commitment to supporting families in crisis. We understand that each family is unique, and the challenges they face are equally distinct. To effectively assist them, it is essential for both staff and families to grasp the intricacies of crisis cycles

“One Day I Want to do Your Job!” A Ten-Year Retrospective

Ten years ago, I sat with my Wraparound team in a Child and Family Team Meeting as they talked about how well our family was doing. Right then, something inside me lit up. After the meeting, I was talking to my Family Partner, Ebony Chambers. “One day I want to do your job.,” I told her. “I want to help caregivers in the same way you have helped me!”