Wraparound Coordinator Turned Wraparound Advocate at the Partnerships for Well-Being Institute

I knew very little about Wraparound in 2015 when I became the Wraparound Coordinator for San Bernardino County. I attended my first Partnerships for Well-Being Institute shortly after accepting the position, and I am so thankful that I did. I learned so much from the experts who have been Wraparound champions for years.
I have attended many trainings and conferences over the years and thought I understood what to expect, but I was so surprised by this 2015 Institute near Anaheim. While I had expected the typical routine agenda that comes with attending a work-related conference, this one offered so much more. The mood was light and fun. Those who were early risers met for walks around the venue and headed to the nearby Disneyland entrance and back to start the day. All the workshops I attended had presenters that were entertaining and engaging, and the rooms were full of laughter—and even dancing! It was a celebration, with workshops that made you feel like your voice mattered. The 10 Wraparound Principles were put into practice, and with the number of therapists in the room you could absolutely feel the love.
Although I attended alone and was one of few county workers there, I was welcomed at tables where I knew no one. I was able to meet people who work in Wraparound programs from all over the state of California, which expanded my understanding of and appreciation for the program.
The workshops offered a lot of variety. For example, I had never attended a drumming class before, but it was an amazing experience and there were plenty of drums so everyone who wanted could play.
I learned so much about Wrapround from the provider’s perspective at that first Institute that I have continued to attend several over the years, never leaving disappointed. I believe for me, being able to understand both the Department of Children and Family Services’ (DCFS) and the providers' positions was necessary to being a Wraparound Coordinator. I am glad I had the opportunity to do so.
Being able to offer both perspectives comes in handy when assisting a person who does not fully understand how Wraparound works. I have become a better advocate for children working in Wraparound and DCFS.
I come from a humble beginning. After being a stay-at-home mom for fifteen years, I became a single mother of five. Although I never received Wraparound myself, I am fortunate that my life has been full of natural supports, and I intimately appreciate the importance of receiving a helping hand. Without my natural supports and a willingness to receive help, I would not be where I am at today.
The relationships I have built with the providers of San Bernardino County over the years are priceless to me. I feel fortunate to be part of the Wraparound Family.
Making a difference in the lives of children and families has been a pleasure and a privilege. It requires teamwork and collaboration with a larger community, and we get to access that at the Partnerships for Well-Being Institutes. Come connect with me this year!

Enroll Online
Registration is now open for the June 12-14 Institute in Garden Grove, California. Visit our enrollment page to register today.

Read additional articles from this issue of the Wraparound Connections Newsletter!