Wraparound Connections: Summer 2024

From the Director: The Buzz of Inspiration

We all need a helping hand from time to time, and we know what a difference it can make when that help comes at the precisely perfect moment—or do we?

“I No Longer Felt Alone.” How Wraparound Helped One Mother Recover from Addiction and Reconnect with Family

The Corres-Garcia family has accessed support from Wraparound services at different times and for different needs as their family has navigated the child welfare system, mental health needs, and difficulties with addiction. The mother, Sandra, sat down with us recently to share her experiences and appreciation for Wraparound’s supportive role in her family’s success.

Acronym Corner: Mental Health

Listening to a bunch of acronyms can feel like trying to make sense of a bowl of alphabet soup! Once too many unfamiliar acronyms get strung together, the output becomes a murky, confusing mess where the letters don't quite spell out anything we understand. 

From Passion to Promise

Lauren Mendez entered the foster care system in Stanislaus County at age 15 and aged out at 21. The “system” had a huge impact and sparked her passion to engage others to positively transform the system.

Bon Voyage, Jenit!


As we bid farewell to one of our most cherished team members, Jenit Chadha, we are filled with both pride and a touch of sadness.