Policy & Procedures Tools


It is essential to have a policy and set of procedures that support the Birth to Six Initiative. Policies and procedures are a set of documents that describe an organization's policies for operation and the procedures necessary to fulfill the policies.

There are four very basic reasons that necessitate writing policies and procedures:

  • Operational needs — Policies and procedures ensure that fundamental organizational processes are performed in a consistent way that meets the organization's needs.
  • Risk management — Established policies and procedures are a control activity needed to manage risk.
  • Continuous improvement — Procedures can improve processes by implementing a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach by building important internal communication practices.
  • Compliance — Well-defined and documented processes (i.e., procedures, training materials) along with records that demonstrate process capability can demonstrate an effective internal control system compliant with regulations and standards.

Policy and Procedural Analysis

It is essential to have a policy and set of procedures that support the Birth to Six Initiative. Developing policy and procedures related to the Birth to Six Initiative will ensure that it is sustained within the organization. The Policy and Procedural Analysis guide provides information

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