- Training Guidelines
The California Wraparound Standards do not include guidance that is specific to planning, developing or delivering training. As such, the California Wraparound Advisory Committee (CWAC) developed specific guidelines and approved the material as an addendum to the California Wraparound Standards. The California Wraparound Training Guidelines describe the elements of a training plan necessary to support a high fidelity, trauma-informed California Wraparound program.
In addition, for more information on accessing statewide Wraparound training please visit the Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice website. Consultation/coaching requests may also be submitted here.
California Wraparound Training Guidelines – 2018 - Wraparound Curriculum
The following curricula packages have been developed for use by the California Wraparound community. Each training curriculum has specific trainer requirements.
Foundational Wraparound
The Foundational Wraparound course is an introductory training designed to orient all Wraparound roles and system partners to the Wraparound process which is grounded in the principles, phases, and activities of Wraparound. With 18 hours of face-to-face instruction and up to 20 hours of asynchronous learning. This has been created as a hybrid virtual training and can modified for in person instruction. The course leads participants through key concepts in applying Wraparound’s unique approach to working with children, youth, and families with complex needs. The Wraparound model enhances safety, permanency, and well-being for children and youth and is implemented in California according to the California Wraparound Standards. Trainer qualifications: Agencies and organizations wishing to train the UC Davis Foundational Wraparound course must ensure trainers 1) attend the training in full, and then 2) complete the one-day Training for Trainers (T4T) course. In addition, they must agree to present this training as presented in this training guide, without modifications. Trainers must be CANS certified and be able to include anecdotal stories about the inclusion of the CANS assessment in Wraparound services. Additionally, trainers must have expert level knowledge of High-Fidelity Wraparound services.PowerPoints
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Family Finding Search and Engagement
Coming soon!