Evaluation Tools


Part of the planning process includes determining what will be tracking and measured. A logic model and evaluation plan need to be developed. High-quality data, including both qualitative and quantitative, are essential for understanding the magnitude and impact of child welfare policies, programs and practices on children birth to six years of age and on their healthy development. A comprehensive data guide will help agencies determine how and where data can be gathered. Agencies will want to select short-term, medium-term and long term goals. An example of each includes the following:

Short Term:

90% of children age 0-6 in foster care will receive the enhanced assessment at designated points.


Increase in timely child and family permanency for children under age 6: increase in reunification within 12 months; increase in adoptions within 24 months; increase in guardianships within 24 months. Increase in Child Health and Well-Being: Health; Dental; Education; Mental Health; Healthy and Secure Long-Term Attachments

Long Term:

Developmental Needs Met: All children who are placed in the foster care system at any time during their first 5 years will have an improvement in their development needs being met.

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