Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth and Families with Compassion and Impartiality

As the support worker for an LGBTQIA+ family you may be the only peaceful conduit of communication as healing is happening. Approaching that responsibility for all parties involved with compassion and impartiality allows you to lay the first brick in the bridge that will lead the family members to each other as you role model gentle and helpful ways to come together.

This course provides information critical to professionals working with LGBTQIA+ families that enables the professional to be helpful and supportive while reducing unintended harm. The course calls upon professionals to reflect on their personal biases and provides a path to be helpful when their personal beliefs are not in alignment with the beliefs of the youth or family.


Academic Units
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class

Section Notes

The format of this virtual training will be on Zoom. You will receive login information via email once your enrollment has been received.