Team Decision Making meetings are designed to assist agencies in making decisions regarding a child’s placement. The practice brings together parents, the child (if age appropriate), family members, extended family and other support persons, foster parents (if the child is in placement), service providers, other community representatives, the caseworker of record and the supervisor. The meeting is a sharing of all information which relates to the protection of the children and functioning of the family. The goal is to reach consensus on a decision regarding placement and to create a plan which protects the children in the least intrusive, least restrictive environment.
The Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice, supported by the California Department of Social Services, provides tailored services and training to support Team Decision Making (TDM). The courses listed below are open for enrollment for counties practicing the traditional model of TDM intended for their county agency staff, mental health providers, parent partners, probation, and community partners/stakeholders. Please see specific course enrollment policies for more information.