The Role of the Social Worker Supervisor in the Team Decision Making Meeting

The social work supervisor’s participation and understanding of the Team Decision Making (TDM) process is essential. They provide support to social workers through consultation and attend TDMs with their workers. The social work supervisor has a unique opportunity to observe social workers in direct practice with the families they serve. By better understanding the importance of case consultation and the TDM process, social work supervisors are in a position to help their workers achieve a high level of practice with families and grow in their profession. 

Topics include:

  • TDM process and stages of the meeting
  • Understanding the role of the social work supervisor before, during and after the TDM meeting
  • Familiarity with the roles of TDM participants (i.e. social worker, facilitator, service provider, etc.) in each stage
  • Understanding the role of transparency and engagement in the TDM meeting
  • Identification of the link between TDM and Safety Organized Practice

After the training, social work supervisors will understand their role before, during and after TDM meetings, be familiar with the roles of the social worker and other TDM participants in each stage, learn skills for identifying behaviorally specific concerns and strengths, and practice developing ideas and reaching a decision to provide safety and protection in the least intrusive, least restrictive manner.

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