Using SOP for Resiliency Building in Child Welfare Staff

Child Welfare professionals and many others in the helping field are known for helping others first and themselves last, but in a field where high stress and trauma-exposure are all but a certainty, it is crucial to build resiliency to minimize the negative impact on health and well-being. Being well in the work/profession takes an intentional commitment that does not start/end today but is a profession/life- long process of exploration, learning and practice. This important course is a great first step along that journey.

After attending this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand key concepts associated with the risks and benefits of child welfare work, to include compassion fatigue, secondary trauma, vicarious trauma, compassion satisfaction, vicarious resilience and post-traumatic growth.
  • Understand the impact of chronic stress, how it shows up, and adaptive/maladaptive coping 
  • Using the mapping tool, critically assess level of individual wellness (wells/worries).
  • Create a behaviorally-based self-care plan to address risk/worry areas in order to build safety, well-being & sustainability.
  • Appreciate the importance of intentional attention to self to build sustainability and resiliency
  • Understand how traumatic stress in the workforce can impact organizational functioning and outcomes for families.
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class