Specialized Permanency Services: Fostering Lifelong Connections

Every child and youth needs a permanent family–and for too many who grow up in the child welfare system, this remains elusive. Specialized Permanency Services, now required by law in the state of California, are designed to help ensure children and youth (including nonminor dependents) achieve a family permanence. Specialized permanency services are designed for and with the child to address the child's history of trauma, separation and loss.
In this two-day course you will:
  • Learn the definition of Specialized Permanency Services and which children are most likely need these services
  • (Re)Connect with the urgency and immediacy of creating permanent connections for youth
  • Examine the reasons some children do not receive timely permanency
  • Develop a Transition Plan for a child/youth to minimize future trauma
  • Practice applying strategies to help a child/youth who does not have permanency and whose circumstances present challenges to obtaining permanency
  • Review the Specialized Permanency laws and policies that apply to all children and those specifically relevant for Indian children
  • Learn approaches, strategies, and success stories that can be immediately applied to practice
During this two-day, interactive course, each participant will work with a small team to tackle a complex, yet typical case involving a youth who has remained in care for years. Permanency efforts "through the eyes of the child/youth" is an enduring and prominent theme throughout the course.
Academic Units
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class

Section Notes

This class is a four-day course using Zoom. Participants are required to attend all four days to receive a completed status. 

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