SOP Safety and Permanency Networks (Virtual Training)

Prerequisite: Completion of the SOP Foundational Institute and/or Core for Social Workers is required.

In this hands-on training, participants will practice and improve their skills in network building, from safety networks to permanency networks.

After attending this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of focusing on both safety and permanency networks to support better outcomes for children beyond involvement with the child welfare system.
  • Comprehend the significance of having a culturally humble practice and the importance of empowering youth and families to define what family means to them in order to strengthen life-long connections.
  • Utilize the circles of safety tool and permanency map to identify network members that are committed to ensuring the child is safe and has life-long connections into adulthood.
  • Describe why strong networks are critical to increased safety, well-being, and permanency for children/youth involved in the child welfare system.
  • Honor the concept of No Network/No Plan.
  • Value the role of network members as a life-long commitment to the youth/child, even post involvement with the child welfare system.
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class