Engagement & Communication Tools


Engagement and Communication Tools are used to disseminate information, gauge interest and evoke action about a new initiative, program or intervention. Managers and administrators may introduce a new initiative at an all-staff meeting by providing talking points, factual information and flyers. Supervisors may discuss the new initiative during a unit meeting by presenting statistics and fact sheets. Social workers may talk to their peers about the initiative by presenting advertisements in the form of an introductory letter or brochure.

Engagement and Communication Tools

Examples, provided below, may include, but are not limited to:

  • Fact sheets
    • Example #1 - Facts about what happens to children who live without fathers
    • Example #2 - Strategies, Inc., provides a list of things to do to build strong relationships with father
  • Important statistics - A culmination of statistics about fathers from various sources
  • Introductory letters - An example of a letter written by management to inform his/her department about a new father engagement initiative
  • Flyers
    • Example #1 - Strategies, Inc., provides a series of informational webinars with fathers/father engagement as the topic. Multiple audiences can attend the webinars.
    • Example #2 - Napa County distributes this flyer to staff within and outside of the child welfare system as a recruiting tool.
  • Brochures - Another state's example of a brochure that can be used as an informational tool or a tool for recruiting fathers
  • Talking points
    • Example #1 - Napa County provides a list of things that people can do to resolve conflicts.
    • Example #2 - Napa County provides a list of rights/privileges of parents.
    • Example #3 - Napa County provides a list of things that fathers can do to be better fathers.
    • Example #4 - (SPANISH) Napa County provides a list of things that fathers can do to be better father.
  • Advertisement
    • Example # 1 - A video developed by the Northern Region Training Academy; it stresses the importance of an involved father, shows experts talking about fatherhood and integrates President Obama's speech on fatherhood.
  • Other valuable information
    • Example #1 - A PowerPoint presentation by Pamela Stewart, Training Supervisor, San Bernardino County, and Mark Lane, Director of Children and Family Services, San Mateo County
    • Example #2 - A PowerPoint presentation by Kyle Pruett, Yale University, discussing why it is vitally important to incorporate father awareness into child welfare practice

Engagement and Communication Tools Used by Our Partners

Here is a sample of communication tools that have been used in organizations with staff, the community and other stakeholders.

Bay Area Academy

The Bay Area Academy created digital videos with fathers talking about their experiences in child welfare. The Academy welcomes the use of these videos for training and other purposes. Also, the videos can be shown to groups of people to impress upon them the fact that fathers do have a voice when it comes to the love they have for their children. The videos can be used in unit meetings or large departmental meetings. They can be shown to community partners and anyone who might be endeavoring into the field of father engagement.

In some cases, the videos were shown to staff and a discussion ensued after the viewing. The videos can be shown to fathers who are participating in support groups. They are a great communication and engagement tool because they allow viewers to hear directly from fathers.

Listen to the fathers speak in their own words about their love for their children and their experiences with the child welfare system by clicking on each name:

Napa County

Napa County has several communication and engagement tools that it uses to gauge and evoke interest about father engagement. One they created is a series of 30-second pitches that can be used with fathers as a way to engage, initiate a conversation with, recognize and build rapport with them.

The process for producing the 30-second pitches was creative and involved the entire division. Staff (clerical, social workers, management) at all levels were emailed a description of 30-second pitches and why they are important. The email expressed that the county was holding a contest, with the top three pitches receivng a prize to be presented at a future All-staff meeting. A timeframe to submit pitches was set and a few reminders were emailed about the contest. Several entries were received. The pitches were analyzed and scored by a committee. At the All-staff meeting, winners received a gift and were recognized by having their 30-second pitches read aloud to the entire division. Lastly, each staff person was given a copy of the 30-second pitches for their use with fathers.

View or download the following examples of Fatherhood 30-Second Pitches:

#1 - Importance of establishing a relationship with children
#2 - Father Encouragement: Your children need you
#3 - Comments from a child to his father
#4 - A father as a role model
#5 - I need my dad because...
#6 - I am growing and changing everyday

Napa County, in addition to other counties, decided to make their lobby areas more friendly and inviting to fathers.

View or download the photo of their lobby area BEFORE implementation of father engagement activities.

View or download the photo of the same lobby area AFTER father engagement activities.

  1. Photo#1
  2. Photo#2

Napa County hosts a support group for fathers who are involved in the child welfare system. Napa created a recruitment flyer in an attempt to advertise the group and rouse interest in fathers.

View or download the Dads Matter! flyer.

Napa County created a letter that it sends to families and fathers that asks for their help in identifying members to increase family connections for children. The purpose of this letter is to start the engagement process early so that the county will have contact information for people who will be involved in the lives of children for a long time.

View or download the Family Information Introductory Letter and the Family Information Sheet.

Merced County

Merced County has a variety of posters that are visual representations of positive father images and interactions. The posters have been hung in various offices in the county and are intended to increase awareness of father engagement. The posters are listed below and can be used liberally when downloaded.

View or download the posters by clicking on your preferred title and size.

  • POSTER 1: "Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father" by Lydia Child
    8 x 9
    10 x 12
    10 x 14
  • POSTER 2: "Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys"
    8 x 9
    10 x 12
    10 x 14
  • POSTER 3: "Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys"
    8 x 9
    10 x 12
    10 x 14
  • POSTER 4: "It is not the flesh and blood but the heart which makes fathers"
    8 x 9
    10 x 12
    10 x 14
  • POSTER 5: "It is not the flesh and blood but the heart which makes fathers"
    8 x 9
    10 x 12
    10 x 14
  • POSTER 6: "I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection"
    8 x 9
    10 x 12
    10 x 14
  • POSTER 7: "A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child"
    8 x 9
    10 x 12
    10 x 14
  • POSTER 8: "I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection"
    8 x 9
    10 x 12
    10 x 14

Northern Training Academy