Father Engagement and Father Involvement Toolkit

A Guide to Implementing, Monitoring and Sustaining Innovative Practice


An Implementation Toolkit details the process of putting a new practice, program or intervention into action in a county or organization. It is a set of practical tools, which can be used together or separately, to help implementers systematically execute and evaluate the new practice, program or intervention. Toolkits can be tailored to meet stakeholder needs based on the parameters of their projects. Read more about the 11 county pilot programs here.

What You Will Find in this Toolkit

Each link in the menu box contains an overview and a description of that section. You’ll find background information; an explanation about why the new practice, program or intervention is needed; information about the target population; important definitions and descriptions; Assessment Tools; Planning Tools to help with execution; suggestions for an approach to evaluation; and tangible resources. Specific examples are included in each toolkit and its components. Whenever possible, suggestions are provided for implementation from start to finish.

What is Father Engagement?

According to Dr. Marsha Pruett (2010), an engaged father is one who:

  • Feels responsible for and behaves responsibly toward his child
  • Is emotionally engaged
  • Is physically accessible
  • Provides material support to sustain the child's needs (this used to be the sole focus of government intervention)
  • Is involved in child-care
  • Exerts influence in child-rearing decisions

For an expanded definition and current statistics emphasizing the ongoing importance of increasing father engagement, please access our definitional tools section.

Why Father Engagement is Important

The Children's Bureau Child and Family Services Reviews Program Improvement Plan (PIP) noted several areas that needed improvement regarding fathers and their children. Engaging fathers intentionally has been shown to have many benefits, including an increase father involvement related to childcare tasks and visitation, a reduction in parents' violent behavior and increased relationship satisfaction. Additionally, there are many benefits to children, including greater empathy, greater tolerance for stress and frustration and less gender role stereotyping. For more information about the principles, need for and benefits of father engagement, read more here. 

How Can Father Engagement Benefit Me, My County and My Organization?

Fathers are equally and vitally as important as mothers and other family members in the lives of their children. Father Engagement efforts are beneficial because these staff activities offer new or different ways of practicing social work with action steps that might potentially impact better outcomes for fathers, children and their families. Staff acquire new knowledge and skills to do their jobs, hopefully making a more profound effect on child welfare outcomes. The leadership in counties or organizations support practice by providing the tools necessary for implementation. The practice can be evaluated to discover if the new/different way of practice, in fact, improved outcomes for fathers, children and their families.

Next Section: Introduction