
The Father Engagement Toolkit is the result of the invaluable work and guidance of a great many people throughout the child welfare system in California and across the country. It would be impossible to list all of the individuals who contributed, but some groups of people will be acknowledged here.

The Father Engagement Steering Committee was comprised of representatives from the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), the Office of Child Abuse and Prevention (OCAP), the California Co-Investment Partnership, the California Social Work Education Center (CalSWEC), the Regional Training Academies (RTAs), California county representatives and other community partners.

A special thank you is in order for the following people:

  • Danny Molina from Strategies
  • Drs. Phil and Carolyn Cowan, Consultants
  • Drs. Kyle and Marsha Pruett, Consultants
  • The Napa County Father Engagement Team

The entire Father Engagement Statewide Steering Committee provided insight into the development of the toolkit and also contributed materials. Some materials were collected and adapted to make them more relevant and practical for this toolkit. California's child welfare system greatly benefited from the collaboration on this project. Collaboration helps to make our workforce meet the needs of the state's children and families.

The toolkit is maintained with public funds and is intended for public use. For information on use and citation of the toolkit, please refer to Guidelines for Citation.

For more information about implementation toolkits, please see Implementation Toolkits.

Father Engagement and Father Involvement Toolkit Main Page