Peer Partners

The Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice parent partner program provides a variety of trainings designed to train professional parent representatives in Wraparound programs, child welfare and child abuse prevention. Trainings are individually designed and tailored to meet the unique needs of each county and agency and for the mutual support and successful integration of past consumers. Trainings provide an underpinning for practice and skill development for parent partners to weigh in on programs, policies and families in more than a symbolic way—to become advocates and beyond for individual families. Parent partners learn to set a standard of understanding and to guide best practice.

Scheduled Sections Open for Enrollment

Title City Start Date Sort descending Enroll
ECHO: Complex Care Series
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Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth and Families with Compassion and Impartiality
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SOGIE Professional Development - Time for Radical Change and Acceptance: Cultivating and Creating a Safe and Equitable Community for SOGIE-Diverse Youth
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CSEC for Peer Support Staff: Advocacy, Strategies and Understanding the Clinical Needs
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SOP Overview for Parent Partners
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Partnering with Education in Wraparound
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What About Dads?
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Motivational Interviewing for Parent Partners
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Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
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Peer Partners: Roles, Strategies, and Community
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Parent Partners: Building Resilience with Hope and Healing (Virtual Training)
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Partnering with Education in Wraparound
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Peer Partners: Setting Healthy Boundaries
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Mindfulness: A Trauma-Informed Approach (Parent Partner)
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Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey (ACES) and Trauma Informed Care
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Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth and Families with Compassion and Impartiality
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SOP Overview for Parent Partners
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Peer Partners: Roles, Strategies, and Community
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Secondary Trauma: Special Considerations for Parent Partners
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