Partnerships for Well-Being Institute: Looking Back with Love

I attended my first Partnerships for Well-Being Institute back in June, 2012. This was my first time attending any sort of training or larger learning platform outside of my agency or county. I was a new-ish parent partner who had only been working for a little over a year. It just so happened that my director was registered for the Institute but could not attend one of the days, and I went in her place. I was excited to go to a few workshops, have some food, and schmooze with people I hadn’t seen in a while.
My morning workshop had a parent partner focus, and I was surrounded by individuals like me, who wanted to improve their skills and bring better experiences for caregivers. We laughed, griped, and asked amazing questions to enhance our interactions with teams and families. It also happened to be the day of the Youth and Family Panels. I can distinctly remember being emotional and recharged after hearing the brave and incredible stories of persistence and spirit.
I was literally skipping into my afternoon workshop, having been fed both physically and mentally. The afternoon workshop was Wraparound-focused and presented by Jarred Vermilion, and let’s just say: if you know, you know. He had a huge impact on me, and the fire for the work was burning brighter. My day had been packed with knowledge, connection, inspiration, and hope. I left feeling like I could change the world, and if I am being honest, I was a little irritated I couldn’t attend the entire conference. I wanted more, but I was grateful for the day I had.
The Institute did exactly what I think it was supposed to do: I had a positive experience and could not wait until the next one. Sadly, I would have to wait two years. I did, however, find myself on the Planning Committee for the next Institute, slated for 2014. This was a way for me to continue my involvement in the larger process and learn how I could continue to uplift the voices of lived experience. I was also asked to present a workshop! Oof… I had been providing trainings internally for my agency, but this seemed grand. Quite frankly I was nervous and not sure if I had what it took to put it together.

2024 Partnerships for Well-Being Institute
June 12-14 in Garden Grove, CA
With the help of my organization and the RCFFP, I gathered two co-workers, and we co-created and submitted our proposal, which was accepted. You know, it’s funny; I was so excited and incredibly nervous when the Institute came around. I was attending ALL THREE DAYS, staying at the hotel, had a “presenter” pennant on my name badge (I felt important), and was able to fully immerse myself in the conference. I also could not shake the nerves of being a presenter. Again, the Institute did not disappoint, maybe because I had been on the planning committee (or, the real truth, it had been seamlessly planned since its inception). Nerves aside, my workshop was successful, with amazing participation, conversations, and feedback.
Looking back, the Institute was a steppingstone for me to involve myself on a larger scale. I made connections that took me to my regional SoCal Wraparound Hub, CWAC (California Wraparound Advisory Committee), and PPAC (Parent Partner Advisory Committee). I also stayed on the Partnership for Well-Being Planning Committee. I have attended every Institute since increasing my involvement in the conference, nominating families for the panels, workshops, and attending the networking opportunities. The Institute is an invaluable experience – don’t miss the opportunity to attend. And if you do, please say hi!

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