Training, Coaching and Transfer of Learning Tools

What are the Training, Coaching and Transfer of Learning Tools?

Training is the link between policy and practice. These tools will steer you toward training curricula, training resources and other aids for the transfer of knowledge from the classroom to the field.

Training Curricula and Staff Development Opportunities

Training curricula, online courses and staff development opportunities are available at introductory, intermediate and advanced levels to meet county needs for developing staff capacity to provide quality case management and legal services to Native American/Alaska Native families according to the letter and spirit of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA).

Agencies with Training Resources

These resources include national, state and regional organizations that provide training and training materials about child welfare practice with Native American/Alaska Native children and families.

Guidance and Discussion Tips for Using Native American/Alaska Native Fact Sheets

Three fact sheets suitable for child welfare staff at all levels of the agency will enhance cultivation of engagement skills and culturally appropriate practice. Facilitators and instructors can refer to discussion tips tailored for each of the fact sheets.

Transfer of Learning Tools

These tools are designed to sustain and enhance classroom or online training through supervised application to the job of newly acquired knowledge, skills and values.

  • Transfer of Learning Guide: This guide provides an overview of what Transfer Of Learning (TOL) is, why TOL activities are important, strategies to increase TOL and examples of TOL activities.


  • Native American Enhancement Toolkit (for Managers and Supervisors) This PowerPoint explains the purpose and goals of NAE Toolkit Implementation for an audience of child welfare managers and supervisors.
  • Internal Strengths and External Influence. This PowerPoint was presented at the 2010 State ICWA Conference in Pala, California by Tribal STAR and provides information about challenges and strengths within communities that support ICWA compliance and collaboration. It also illustrates the efforts made by the 2007-2010 Breakthrough Series Collaborative to address disproportionality and indicates the outcomes that were achieved by participating counties. The PowerPoint can be used as a guide for county staff to enhance collaboration with local tribal entities.


Additional Resources

Next Section:  Training Curricula and Staff Development Opportunities