Engagement & Communication Tools

What Are the Engagement and Communication Tools?

The Engagement and Communication Tools provide leaders with guidance for identifying stakeholders and leading focused discussions for a variety of audiences. Choose from the series of informational documents on this web page to meet diverse audience needs.

Talking Points for Leadership to Engage Child Welfare Staff

The Talking Points can be used by leadership and supervisors to explain how promising strategies included in the Native American Enhancement (NAE) Toolkit can help counties achieve a reduction in disproportionality, disparities and administrative costs.



Focus Areas Targeted to Reduce Disproportionality and Disparities

This handout can be used to explain the central goals of enhancing practice. Outcomes of NAE Toolkit implementation are detailed in relation to federal measures, the California System Improvement Plan, compliance, county-level prevention and service disparities.

Urban vs. Rural Considerations

Distinguishing between the needs of urban and rural populations is a critical component of social work with Native American and Alaskan Native families. This document addresses general considerations for urban and rural/reservation communities and provides practical tips for culturally effective engagement.

Tribal STAR Tips for Following Protocol when Working with Tribal Communities

The use of protocol when engaging with members of native communities demonstrates that one has taken the time to learn the value of culture, tradition and humility. These recommendations are not based on the culture of any single Tribe, but on the application of Tribal values to interactions with individuals and groups.

Guidance and Discussion Tips for Using Native American Fact Sheets

Three fact sheets were developed for use with staff at all levels of the child welfare agency to enhance cultivation of engagement skills and culturally appropriate practice. View or download Guidance and Discussion Tips for Using NAE Fact Sheets (PDF version)

Tribal Sovereignty and Child Welfare Act 

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

Potential Stakeholders Checklist

The Stakeholders Checklist suggests potential collaborators at state, regional and local levels, with considerations for urban and rural locations and tips for the inclusion of youth advocates.

Letter Template for Engaging Stakeholders

This template is an aid for composing an introductory letter to invite the participation of Tribal representatives to agency-sponsored events or other program efforts.

Next Section:  Assessment Tools