California Title IV-E Summit

A smiling father giving his happy son a ride on his shoulders.

Event Date

Streamed Live from Long Beach, CA

Register for Livestream

Healing Together: The Road to Building Collaboration, Sustainability and Well-being in Child Welfare

The California Title IV-E Summit is a child welfare conference that brings social work practitioners, educators, and Title IV-E students together around a pertinent child welfare theme. This year's event will be streamed live from Long Beach, CA on April 18, 2025 from 1:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Register for the Summit livestream today!

About the Title IV-E Summit

The Title IV-E Summit, a child welfare conference, is the largest statewide event for the Title IV-E Education Program. It is planned by a statewide collaborative involving a rotating group of 35 Title IV-E Student Representatives and Title IV-E Staff. When in person, the Title IV-E Summit convenes 200-350 attendees hailing from California Title IV-E schools, counties, and Tribes. Following COVID-19 travel and gathering restrictions, this event pivoted to a virtual platform in 2021, and took on a hybrid format in recent years. The live and virtual sessions have been viewed on YouTube by over 3,000 child welfare stakeholders.

The goals of the Summit are for attendees to:

  • learn from a variety of statewide perspectives
  • hear from a spectrum of counties and field instructors
  • gain a richer understanding of the child welfare landscape

Who should attend?

Most in-person spots will be reserved for Title IV-E students and schools. However, the summit will include a number of livestream workshops that will appeal to a broader range of participants. Additional information will be available soon.

Accessibility and Format

Due to the open forum structure of this networking session, auto closed captioning is only available in the Zoom main room of the livestreamed sessions. 

If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) or information about campus mobility access features in order to fully participate in this event, please contact us at with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7-10 days in advance of the event.

For more information

If you have questions regarding the Title IV-E Summit and/or would like to join our distribution list, please email us at