Wraparound Outlook from the CDSS Family Centered Practice Unit
By Manpreet Singh, Program Analyst, Family Centered Practice Unit, California Department of Social Services
Since Wraparound’s 1997 introduction to California, there have been numerous changes in the child welfare and behavioral health landscapes. Nonetheless, Wraparound has persevered through its revolutionary approach. In fact, as it stands today there are a number of statewide models and initiatives, such as the Integrated Core Practice Model, System of Care and Continuum of Care Reform, which echo fundamental Wraparound principles. Practices such as centering family and youth voice, cross-system collaboration and teaming are all values which are integral to Wraparound and are apparent in recent statewide models.
“Though it’s been decades since Wraparound was introduced to California, Wraparound stands tall as a model built to serve.”
In renewed commitment to Wraparound, California Department of Social Services (CDSS) established the Wraparound Steering Committee, a group of Wraparound experts from throughout California, who are helping create consistent high-fidelity Wraparound throughout the state. Through their efforts, the Steering Committee is also paving the way for implementation of the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA). The FFPSA is federally mandated legislation that provides support to prevent entry into foster care, specialized services to foster youth in care and prioritizes family-based settings for all youth. The Governor’s proposed 2021/2022 state budget appropriates additional funding to meet FFPSA Part IV’s after-care mandate to provide support services for youth transitioning from STRTPs to family-based settings. Wraparound has been proposed as the vehicle through which to provide transitioning youth the support services required to ensure their permanency, pending budget and associate trailer bill approval.
In preparation for FFPSA Part IV’s after-care requirement, the Wraparound Steering Committee has developed three workgroups: Fiscal and Organizational Leadership, Fidelity and Outcomes, and Workforce Development. These workgroups will convene on an ongoing basis to support the successful implementation of FFPSA Part IV.
With the influx of changes in the last year, the Wraparound community is as invested as ever. The California Wraparound Advisory Committee, the regional Wraparound Hubs, the Wraparound Steering Committee and CDSS are in full gear, helping guide the way to high-fidelity California Wraparound. Counties and providers have been highly receptive, sharing their enthusiasm, questions and ideas. The energy is high, and Wraparound continues to thrive among a changing landscape with renewed investment from the federal, state and county levels.
For more information, please contact CDSS at WraparoundQuestions@dss.ca.gov or visit our website.