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We Became a Power Team: Combining Our Knowledge Took Us to the Next Level!

A Wraparound Family Story

I had the pleasure of interviewing Yolanda and Robert, experienced Resource Parents, about their journey of adopting their two girls through the foster care system. It was evident right from the start that this family was determined to make it.

Siblings, Isabella (14), and Sophia (10) were placed with Yolanda and Robert two and half years ago. At the offset, the girls had difficulty with the transition. The girls had come from a previous placement that didn’t work out, and their behaviors at times placed them in dangerous situations. 

Robert and Yolanda Sillas
Robert and Yolanda Sillas

“From the beginning,” Yolanda shared, “it was really rough.” 

As experienced resource parents, Yolanda and Robert utilized all of their tools and interventions, but after a situation that required police involvement, it became clear they could use more help.

Though Yolanda and Robert were hesitant, their county social worker connected the family to Wraparound. 

“I was a huge skeptic initially,” Yolanda said, “as [we’d] participated in Wrapround services years ago that didn’t go so well. But I wanted to try anything to help the girls be successful and make a positive adjustment in our home.” 

Yolanda and Robert shared that they hadn’t had positive experiences with other services in the past, stating that “other services were limited, and no one asked what we thought. We were told what we should be doing. There was little follow-up or feedback. We felt like we were just another case, and it had been disappointing to say the least."

Despite their reservations, Yolanda and Robert agreed to try Wraparound. While comparing it to their previous experiences, Yolanda described the positive differences in the Wraparound services they received from the latter Wraparound program as “night and day.”

Our goals became their goals, and together we embraced the challenges! We were like a Power Team! Combining our knowledge with theirs took us to the next level.

“Wraparound gave us tools and resources we didn’t know about or hadn’t used,” shared Yolanda. “They were there for us 24/7. Always checking in to see how we were. Monthly meetings included everyone at the table, always giving us a voice to express concerns and challenges and focused on what was going well. Our goals became their goals, and together we embraced the challenges! We were like a Power Team! Combining our knowledge with theirs took us to the next level.”

The children, Isabella and Sophia, connected with the Wraparound youth partner, Katie, who provided one-on-one time for each sister while also helping them improve their relationship with each other.

“I learned better social interaction and how to make friends,” said Isabella, smiling. “Katie gave me ideas on how to keep from getting distracted in class, and I learned to listen. Katie also worked with my sister and I so we would learn how to get along better. Now we have fun.”

Sophia agreed that she and her sister get along better and can now play without fighting.

Yolanda described how her parent partner, Lanette, was a big help to the family.

Sophia and Isabella Silas
Sophia (10) and Isabella (14).

“Lanette connected me to so many resources and helped me with much needed selfcare and overcoming other challenges,” she said. “l could call her anytime. She frequently checked in and was a great listener. She had my back and I always felt supported.”

Yolanda also shared that the Wraparound facilitator, Jazmin, was instrumental in building important connections to services and resources in the community.

“Jazmin is so knowledgeable about education laws and services and helped advocate for Isabella’s needs,” she said. “It’s made a huge difference; I would not have known where to start or what to ask for.” 

Yolanda also reported that Isabella is doing much better in school and also participates in sports, which she celebrates as a huge accomplishment.

Robert added that Wraparound helped create fun family time by providing activities they could all be involved in. 

“We went on a few trips that helped us bond,” he described. “Our interactions became more relaxed and positive. We had a lot of fun!”

“Our Wraparound Team became extended family,” Yolanda added. “They are caring, knowledgeable people who have your back. We could trust and count on them to deliver and do what they said they would do. They show up for you as an individual and for the family. They gave us a voice and helped us advocate for ourselves and the girls. They are good at smoothing the rough edges.”

The Wraparound team embraced the family’s overall goal to become a healthy family and have a successful adoption with the girls, while also addressing their individual needs. They helped integrate the girls into the family by embracing family traditions and culture. Through improving family dynamics and developing healthy relationships, their team helped to create a new family culture, which the family stated was a key component to their success.

Congratulations are in order! On November 9th, 2022, National Adoption Day, they officially became a forever family though the adoption process.

The whole family agreed: “This was the best day ever!”

Read additional articles from this issue of the Wraparound Connections Newsletter!

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