CFT and CANS Updates
News and Notes to Start 2025!
The Northern Academy at UC Davis Human Services has much to share in the realms of Child and Family Teams (CFT) and Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) as we soar into 2025!
The CFT and CANS Resource Hub is Now Live
Developed in collaboration between the California Department of Social Services and UC Davis Human Services, The CFT and CANS Resource Hub streamlines access to technical assistance, consultation and guidance for the implementation, practice and continuous quality improvement for CFT and CANS throughout California.
At the hub, you can:
- Enroll in a regional and/or statewide training and request technical assistance
- Get the latest CFT and CANS news
- Learn about and participate in statewide meetings and learning collaboratives
- Provide feedback through the CFT Meeting Survey
- Access implementation resources, guides, the CFT Meeting Observation Tool, brochures, websites and more
Be sure to bookmark this hub page for all your CFT and CANS needs: CFT and CANS Resource Hub
CFT Statewide Forum Meetings, Listening Discussion Sessions and Fidelity Plan Development
The UC Davis Northern Academy has supported efforts to create forums where professionals and individuals with lived experience can share insights on CFT and CANS practices to inform the development of a statewide Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and Fidelity plan. In partnership with CDSS, the Northern Academy hosted nine Listening and Discussion Sessions in August and September 2024, focusing on the implementation of Child and Family Teams (CFT) and the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) tool.
Participants represented sectors such as social services, probation, legal, behavioral health and community organizations, alongside parents, caregivers and foster youth with firsthand system experience. Feedback from the sessions was analyzed by the Innovation Center for Population Health using a template analysis approach, highlighting strengths, challenges, and improvement opportunities.
Access a draft summary of the findings presented at the October 15th CFT CANS Statewide Forum
During the sessions, participants were informed about the need for a CQI and Fidelity plan for CFTs and CANS. Many expressed interests in joining the CQI and Fidelity workgroup, which meets bi-weekly. Co-facilitated by Emma Black and UC Davis trainer/consultant Shelly Paule, the workgroup is refining tools such as the CFT Meeting Survey to be integrated into the draft plan for counties.
To learn more about the fidelity plan and implementation of CANS and CFTs statewide, please register for the next CFT CANS Forum meeting using our request form.
We now have over 500 people registered for the forum meeting and approximately 150 people attend live each time. If people cannot attend a meeting, we take detailed notes that are sent out to the distribution following the meeting as well as links to resources and presentations shared. At our Jan. 21 meeting, LA County delivered an engaging, Snoopy-themed presentation on their implementation approach for the CANS that included creative games played with staff, coaching and consultation, and skills labs. The materials can be accessed online.
To learn more about the CFT Statewide Forum, please visit our CFT and CANS Resource Hub.
CANS Curriculum Updates
Over the past two years, the Northern Academy at UC Davis Human Services has been facilitating a statewide CANS curriculum workgroup led by Emma Black that has been collaboratively updating all three modules of the statewide CANS curriculum. The workgroup includes the California Department of Social Services, the Department of Health Care Services, the Innovation Center for Population Health (Praed Foundation), LA County, regional training academy representatives and CANS trainers statewide.
UC Davis trainer/consultant Shelly Paule updated the CANS Module A course with a video series demonstrating how CANS integrates into the CFT process. The case planning section was revamped to emphasize how the CFT process shapes action plans, supported by a "CANS Conversation in CFTs" tip sheet. The updated training was piloted, vetted statewide and has been well-received by participants.
This revamped training is recommended for child welfare social workers, mental health clinicians, juvenile probation staff, CFT facilitators and supervisors using CANS but not requiring certification. It is also a valuable refresher for certified staff seeking to enhance their engagement with children, youth and families through collaborative planning.
To access CANS training currently open for enrollment in the Northern California region, please visit our catalog website.
If your county is not served by the Northern regional training academy, please visit your regional training academy’s website to access respective training opportunities:
- Academy for Professional Excellence
- Bay Area Academy
- Central California Training Academy
- Chief Probation Officers of California
What is CFT and CANS?
In California's Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM), the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) tool guides the Child and Family Team (CFT) process in case planning, service decisions, placement and quality improvement. CFTs unite loved ones and experts to support the child’s growth and family well-being through regular, facilitated meetings. Collaborative and empathetic partnerships with families promote healing, safety, permanency, and overall well-being