Kin-first Systems Spotlight: Closing Kinship Care Month with Gratitude, Reflection and Hope
As September's National Kinship Care Month comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude to our colleagues and community partners who continue to put the safety and stability of families first. This date also marks the end of our first full year featuring the monthly Kin-first Systems Spotlight series.
As we reflect on how much we have learned from one another over this period, this felt like a great time to raise up some of the best resources and information currently available in support of our enduring vision: that every child finds solace and safety within the loving embrace of their family, especially during times of separation from their parents.
No matter what month it is, the Center for Excellence remains dedicated to ensuring that children are unified with their families, communities and Tribes. We are so grateful for your continued partnership in support of this vital work.
Kin-first Systems | Series Highlights
Harmony's Story: Letter to Little Bear
This installment in the Family Stories video series is about Harmony and her two children. It sheds light on the importance of placing families first through kin-first practices in child welfare, as well as the positive impact that the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) has on tribal families. As this story is evocative and may bring about many emotions, we have created a study guide to support viewers in processing and reflecting on the video.

Putting Family First: The Kinship Centric Child Welfare Model
This article unpacks and illustrates data highlighting the importance and effectiveness of kinship foster care in providing a supportive and stable environment for children during a critical time in their lives.

Model Programs
The Center for Excellence and the California Department of Social Services explore six model programs focused on family finding, engagement and support.

Bench and Bar: Cultivating a Kin-First System in California
Increasing the number of placements with kin to improve child outcomes requires all system partners to adopt a Kin-first culture. This article looks at the important role of the court and counsel in ensuring the child welfare system prioritizes the preservation and permanency of connections to family, community and tribes.

ICWA: Gold Standard for Family Finding, Engagement and Support
The Indian Child Welfare Act cements in legislation what we know to be true from the research: that children flourish most when surrounded by the embrace of their cultural heritage and familial ties. This article details how ICWA continues to serve as the gold standard for family finding, engagement and support.

Navigating the Waters of System Change
Examine Kin-first Culture's guiding framework: The Waters of Systems Change. This model provides a helpful metaphorical framework for understanding the complex dynamics with creating systemic change.
Resources to Explore

Kin-first Policy Guide Toolkit
This practical implementation guide for a kin-first framework contains best practice recommendations from child welfare agencies that have placed more than 70% of children with kin as their first placement. The toolkit includes what is required by law, best practices on staffing, leveraging available funding and processes for implementing a kin-first framework. Additional information with citations, sources and footnotes on various topics can be found in the appendices.

The Bench and Bar Toolkit
This interactive toolkit, written and designed by lawyers and judges, serves as a one-stop resource for the court and counsel. This Toolkit is designed to help all key stakeholders better understand legal mandates, the role of judges and lawyers, and how to overcome barriers to placement with kin.
Upcoming Opportunities
Specialized Permanency Services: Fostering Lifelong Connections
Virtual Training: Dec. 2, 3, 11 & 12
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