How to Use The SOP Toolkit

Video: For an overview of the toolkit, you can watch this 6-minute video.

The SOP Toolkit contains a variety of tools that support implementation, practice and fidelity. The intended audience includes: 

  • County Child Welfare Staff: Directors, Managers, Supervisors, Social Workers
  • County Training Coordinators
  • SOP Implementation Teams
  • SOP Trainers and Coaches 

A parent folder containing some tools and resources included in this toolkit is available online.

Toolkit Use & Communication Recommendations

  • Planning Team: Convene a planning team to develop a strategy for how to roll out and sustain use of the SOP Toolkit over time in your agency. Consider how to engage staff in the planning team at all levels.
  • Snapshot Tool: Complete the SOP Implementation Snapshot Tool to identify first priorities in use of the Toolkit.
  • Communication Plan: Develop an internal communication plan with a clear timeline and specific action steps to take regarding communication about the Toolkit (i.e., internal newsletters, emails, unit meetings, program meetings, internal trainings/online review of the Toolkit, coaching).
    • Determine who messaging should come from regarding use of the Toolkit (i.e., leadership, SOP implementation team, etc.).
    • Include a plan for initial rollout of the Toolkit vs. ongoing communication and reminders to utilize it.
    • Add a link to the Toolkit to your internal agency website.
    • Ask staff to save the Toolkit link as a favorite on their desktops.
  • Rollout Phasing: Develop a schedule to roll out elements of the Toolkit in bite-size pieces over time; i.e.:
    • Highlight different Toolkit sections at all-staff meetings over the course of 6-12 months.
    • Designate a tool each month that all supervisors will cover in their units.
  • Integration Phasing: Connect elements of the Toolkit to a specific strategy you are focusing on in your agency. For example, if you are currently working on improving engagement with families, you could highlight specific sections/tools of the Toolkit related to this area.
  • Additional Support: For ideas or support in using the SOP Toolkit, contact your Regional Training Academy.

Using the Toolkit in Training, Coaching & Workforce Development

  • Define clear expectations for use of the Toolkit by role (i.e., line staff, supervisors, managers, and directors).
  • Consider how to integrate the Toolkit into existing training and coaching processes, including onboarding of new staff and ongoing training, coaching and support at all levels (line staff, supervisors, managers, directors).
  • Ensure social workers have access to hard copies of direct practice tools for use in the field.
  • Determine how to utilize the Toolkit in training of other practices, such as ICPM, CFT and CANS.

Using the Toolkit in Fidelity & CQI Efforts

  • Utilize the fidelity tools to conduct an initial gap analysis of where you are with SOP implementation to guide your priorities for the Toolkit.
  • Plan for how to use Toolkit resources in your county CQI efforts and CSFR or other case review processes.

Next Section: Implementation and Continuous Quality Improvement