Legislation and Guidance

All County Information Notices

•   ACIN I-23-15 Initial instructions and outlines SB 855 requirements to help counties prepare to develop an interagency protocol

•   ACIN I-21-16 Clarification that a parent or guardian’s name is not referred to the Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) in cases involving CSEC when the only substantiated allegation regarding the parent or guardian is general neglect

All County Letters

  • ACL 23-76 Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Program Fiscal Year 2023-24 Allocation Methodology And Program Information
  • ACL 23-76E Errata To All County Letter No. 23-76 Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Program Fiscal Year 2023-23 Allocation Methodology And Information
  • ACL 18-109 CSEC Program Fiscal Year 2018-19 Allocation Methodology and County Plan Instructions
  • ACL 17-71 CSEC Program Fiscal Year 2017-18 Allocation Methodology and County Plan Instructions
  • ACL 16-85 Statewide CSEC Procedures and Protocols
  • ACL 16-74 CWS-CMS Special Project Code for referrals regardless of disposition
  • ACL 16-69 CSEC County Instructions for Submitting updated County Plans
  • ACL 16-49 CSEC Documentation in CWS/CMS
  • ACL 16-15 Basic requirements for runaway/missing youth protocols
  • ACL 16-08 Overview of all SB 794 provisions including training, policies and procedures, reporting and documentation
  • ACL 15-49 Defines four CSEC special project codes which have since been replaced by the CSEC Grid
  • ACL 15-48 Instructions for submitting county plans (no template in 2015) and the interagency protocol, as well as information on the 2015–2016 allocation methodology and new resources including the original MOU Template
  • ACL 14-62 Introduction to the CSEC Program
  • ACL 14-36 Title IV-E foster care candidacy policy and procedures

Clarification to W&IC § 300

WIC 361.5(a) (17): (2016)  Dependent Children—Judgments and Orders: The parent or guardian knowingly participated in or permitted, the sexual exploitation, as described in subdivision (c) or (d) of Section 11165.1 of, or subdivision (c) of Section 236.1 of, the Penal Code, of the child. This shall not include instances in which the parent or guardian demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that he or she was coerced into permitting, or participating in, the sexual exploitation of the child.

WIC 300(b)(2): (2012)  Dependent Children-Jurisdiction: The Legislature finds and declares that a child who is sexually trafficked, as described in Section 236.1 of the Penal Code, or who receives food or shelter in exchange for, or who is paid to perform, sexual acts described in Section 236.1 or 11165.1 of the Penal Code, and whose parent or guardian failed to, or was unable to, protect the child, is within the description of this subdivision, and that this finding is declaratory of existing law. These children shall be known as commercially sexually exploited children.

County Fiscal Letters

  • CFL 23/24-20 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Program General Fund Allocation
  • CFL 16/17-04 Final reappropriation adjustment for the 2014-2015 CSEC Program funds
  • CFL 15/16-50 Claiming codes and instructions for $2.1m 2014-2015 rollover funds: Also includes sample services which may be funded through the CSEC Program
  • CFL 15/16-41 $3.25 million county allocations and two claiming codes for SB 794 activities 
  • CFL 15/16-22 Original $10.75m CSEC Program planning allocations 

Harm Reduction Guidance Series

•   ACIN I-59-18 (September 14, 2018)   Introduction to the Harm Reduction Strategies Series Regarding Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 

•   ACIN I-28-19 (July 22, 2019) Harm Reduction Series - Social Worker 

•   ACIN I-50-19 (July 29, 2019) Harm Reduction Series - Probation Officer 

•   ACIN I-36-21 (June 22, 2021) Harm Reduction Series – Law Enforcement 

•   ACIN I-31-22 (April 8, 2022) Harm Reduction Series - Caregiver 

•   ACIN I-51-23 (September 5, 2023) Harm Reduction Series – Juvenile Courts

•   ACIN I -83-16 (November 23, 2016) CSEC Model Interagency Protocol Framework

Other Key Legislation

  • AB 1702 (2016): Protect Sexually Exploited Minors from Being Reunified with Parents Who Exploited Them; WIC section 361.5 (17).
  • PL 113-183 (2014): Preventing Sex Trafficking And Strengthening Families Act.
  • PL 114-22 (2015): Victims of Trafficking.
  • SB 794 (2015): Codified PL 113-183 (2014, federal mandates) into CA law for child welfare services and probation. See Section 3 (PC 11165.1), Section 4 and 29.
  • SB 855 (2014) Created the Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Program. See Section 79, Chapter 5.2 (WIC 16524.6 -11).
  • SB 1193 (2012): Human trafficking: public posting requirements.

Penal Code Section