These workshops help to prepare new and existing leaders for positions of greater responsibilities within their agencies and communities. Participants will be invited to broaden their perspectives, build concrete skills for effective leadership and promote the kind of personal and professional growth necessary to lead and move organizations in new directions. Learning outcomes for training in supervision, management and leadership include:
- Develop interpersonal skills that help people communicate, listen and handle conflicts in their leadership role
- Become more effective at influencing others and having impact within their agency
- Learn strategies to accomplish goals and control outcomes
- Hold performance discussions that result in changed behavior and enhanced productivity
- Analyze personal behavior and recognize strengths and opportunities for growth
In addition to providing leadership training opportunities to their employees, many agencies seek ways to positively impact families, children and individuals in their communities. Training and facilitation in promising practices offers interventions, programs or services, strategies or policies that show potential for developing into a best practice.
Bring Advanced Skills Practice Workshops to Your County
To learn more about training opportunities, browse within the subject areas below. To inquire about scheduling advanced skills practice workshops in your county, please submit an In-County Training Request or contact your assigned Public Education Specialist.