Day 1: Wednesday, Apr 13, 2022
8:00-8:15 AM
Javi Perez, Nancy Hafer
8:15-9:45 AM
Opening Keynote: Shift from Chaos to Clarity: Give Yourself and Others Time to Think
Hazel Morley
Life has become chaotic, complex and uncertain. There are incessant and competing demands for our time, attention and energy. We have become habituated to urgency, control and busyness. As a result, we are more disconnected, distracted and stressed than we've ever been.
It's time to reclaim your attention and capacity to think clearly, for yourself, as yourself. In this interactive presentation, participants will learn one simple promise, four questions and ten game-changing, practical behaviors that generate independent, imaginative and courageous thinking. Applying these restores ease, and creates an energizing, productive, psychologically safe and inclusive environment. They are transformational skills for any leader, coach and communicator to use with individuals and groups.
9:45-10:00 AM
10:00-11:30 AM
One County's Journey in Developing a Culture that Values a True Coaching Community at All Levels of the Organization
Miranda Mille, Greg Phillips
This workshop will provide an overview for Allegheny County DHS's internal, all departments, all-levels coaching development workshop series and ongoing coach community. The workshop will balance a content and structure overview with multiple group dialogue, brainstorming, and practical application opportunities.
Empowering Your Workforce to Growth and Independence
Dr. Monica McCall, Beth Greenland
How do you create psychological safety so that your workforce can open up to growth and empowerment? Dr. Monica McCall, CEO of Creative Options in Baltimore, will share her experience in empowering her workforce through a Coach Approach. She will share elements of psychological safety and invite small group development of practices and strategies participants can employ immediately to build the safety and empowerment of their workforce.
Culture Matters: Coaching in Indigenous Communities
Rachel Fore
Is coaching, coaching? Well…yes and no. Taking into account the cultural context of who is receiving coaching is crucial. As coaches guiding Indigenous communities, we have to consider the rich traditions that inform native identities like the values of the seven grandfather teachings and how mind, body, and spirit interact to support growth and the understanding that all things are connected in Native communities. In this workshop, we go beyond basic coaching skills and explore how to support coaching in indigenous communities from an eagle view.
11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Lunch Break
12:45-2:15 PM
Making the Case for Coaching in Human Services
Dr. Virginia Rondero Hernandez, Dr. Susan Douglas
This interactive workshop will focus on how two coaches from allied fields aligned their interests to develop a holistic approach to introducing coaching at the line staff, management and executive levels. A business case for coaching in human services is presented along with an overview of training methodologies used in these settings. Participants will have the opportunity to practice making the case for coaching and influencing the adoption of coaching in human service organizations.
Building a Culture of Continuous Learning to Support Implementation
Mildred Pittre
Leading cultural change by supporting a culture of continuous learning is essential to successfully implementing coaching throughout an organization. This interactive workshop will challenge participants to reflect on their daily coaching skills and commitment to mastering the Coach Approach. We will discuss how holding all levels of an organization accountable (Leadership, Facilitators, Program Administrators and Direct Care Staff) contributes to developing buy-in and credibility for successful implementation.
How Implicit Biases Impact Our Behavior and Learning New Strategies to be More in Service of Your Coaching Clients
Colleen Gibley-Reed
As children, we all received messages about people who are "different" from us, from our family, peers, school, church and the media. Some of these messages are accurate, while other messages are inaccurate. Early messages influence our implicit biases and our implicit biases impact our behavior. Join this workshop to uncover the early messages you received, reflect on how these messages help or hinder you in your work, and learn strategies to unlearn and relearn in service of your coaching clients.
Coaching Strategies to Support Integration of Safety Organized Practice with the CFSR Case Review Process
Tami McCalip, Stephany Slade
Get an overview of work being done by the California Statewide SOP Backbone Committee, a collaborative, guiding workgroup that takes a statewide collective impact approach to implementation and fidelity of SOP in California. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about a project specific to integration of SOP into the CFSR case review process, including the goals and objectives of the project. Participants will be introduced to an optional SOP/CFSR Supplemental Guide that aims to align SOP tools and strategies with the CFSR OSRI items and case review process, with the goal of supporting agencies as they strive to assess their own use of SOP and its impact on child and family outcomes. Best practice coaching strategies will be explored when utilizing the guide as a coaching, training and CQI tool.
Moving from Boss to Coach
Amy Shuman
This workshop will cover the basic elements of a coaching conversation and allow for time to practice some of the skills coaches use. We will look at how taking a coach approach can be beneficial in supervision, and participants will come away with ideas to integrate into their own leadership practices.
2:15-2:30 PM
2:30-4:00 PM
Gaining Confidence in Coaching
Emma Black
Starting to coach other leaders can be intimidating and can stir up feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. In this workshop, an implementation coach shares her experience of gaining confidence in coaching CWS supervisors during the disruptive Covid pandemic. Using the 6 preferred adult learning styles model, this workshop will help newer coaches and those supervising and supporting coaches to identify what resources and learning opportunities will help to deepen their development as coaches. Strategies for how to skillfully observe coaches and provide them with useful feedback will be explored. Participants will receive a guide to coaching resources such as books, podcasts episodes, and videos organized to help them gain exposure, experience and confidence as coaches.
The Transformative Power of Coaching to Support a Culture of Continuous Quality Improvement
Naveen Sangwan, Tracy Bowers, Alma Duarte
This workshop will share the transformative power of coaching in bringing a paradigm shift in the belief system, and its role in creating and embedding a continuous quality improvement culture within an organization. The workshop will also share the coaching framework, tools and methodology to accomplish the same.
Offering Three Essential Mindsets to Improve the Value and Impact of Your Coaching Conversations!
Janet Mahrle, Brad Mahaney
How often do you ask yourself, "How can I take a different approach to help my client, peer, or staff member?" Improve the value and impact of your coaching conversations by offering three essential mindsets. Using alternatives to usual points of view can get people unstuck, less overwhelmed, and moving forward. They can gain momentum to get where they want to be. This workshop will give you proven coaching techniques to get successful results.
Using A “Coach Approach” to Build Capacity, Competence and Confidence Through Various Teams
Laurie Cozart
Research shows that organizations with a culture of the “Coach Approach” have higher successful outcomes and lower turnover. People in these types of organizations are more open to collaboration, are more creative, are better at problem-solving and are open to giving and receiving consistent feedback. In this workshop, participants will learn a simple 4-step coaching process that allows for timely, expedient coaching that builds capacity, competence and confidence throughout teams and organizations.
Day 2: Thursday, Apr 14, 2022
8:00-8:45 AM
Panel Discussion: Cultivating a Growth Mindset
Hear from coaches and leaders from various organizations in Human Services describe the strategies they use consistently to sustain a growth mindset, despite everyday challenges. In addition to a focused coaching conversation on growth, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of our panelists about their coaching journey.
8:45-9:00 PM
9:00-10:00 AM
Keynote Presentation: Transactional vs Transformational Leadership and Equity
Aiko Bethea
In a world often filled with multiple demands and task-driven priorities, we sometimes lose sight of self-compassion and empathy for others. We will explore the role of empathy for both the families we serve in human services and as colleagues. We will also discuss resiliency and a concept by Brené Brown, Living BIG (Boundaries, Integrity and Generosity) to ensure we tend to the “wellness” in our lives.
10:00-10:15 AM
10:15-11:45 AM
The Intentional Use of Team Coaching to Support Organizational Health
Amy Hahn, Stacy Walsh
Coaching individuals has been around in human services for many years now, but newer to the scene is team coaching. Join this session to learn about how coaching more than one person can improve the effectiveness of teams in your organization. We will share findings from a new evaluation of our team coaching program, which utilizes the Organization, Relationship and System Coaching (ORSC) model with child welfare professionals in Colorado.
Shifting Organizational Culture: Allowing the Space for an Advanced Coaching Program Geared for Child Protection Supervisors
Alexis Howard
Often not enough focus goes into the organizational buy-in needed to support and sustain the implementation of a coaching intervention. This workshop will share case study examples of how an authentic partnership between the regional division of the child protection leadership team and the coaching program leader supported the advancement of the coaching program for child protection supervisory staff. Characteristics of the partnership will be shared and some of the lessons learned.
World Café: Looking at Coaching Through an Inclusive Lens
Christa Doty
As the coaching field evolves, we need to adjust and expand our mindset and skills beyond foundational coaching skills. Join this workshop to participate in a world café style discussion to explore ways to deepen our coaching practice to be more inclusive. We will explore how people invite intersectional identities into coaching, examine our positionality, and impact the coaching relationship. This interactive workshop will provide answers and an opportunity to share your thoughts, experiences and ideas to deepen the coaching field.
Supervisory Coaching and Strengths-Based Engagement with Families: The Parallel Process
Diane DePanfilis, Heather Kohls
Supervisory coaching has been demonstrated to support strengths-based practice with families at risk for child maltreatment (Bartley et al., 2021). This workshop will support participants to observe a supervisor coaching staff and a staff person using strengths-based engagement skills when conducting a first home visit. Activities will include identifying and discussing the skills and the parallel process.
11:45 AM-12:30 AM
Lunch Break
12:30-2:00 PM
Exploring How Shifting Our Thinking Can Support Us in Cultivating Creativity in Coaching
Kendrick Dial
This workshop will guide participants through their own understanding of creativity and explore their challenges around identifying themselves as creative. Participants will examine how shifting their thinking and relationship to creativity by identifying creative wounds and social perspectives that prevent participants from connecting with their creativity. Participants will also have an opportunity to identify how they can acknowledge/tap into their creativity as a coach. This power-point presentation will include handouts, videos and activities for participants to explore their understanding of creativity individually and collectively.
Harnessing Coaching Skills and Values to Implement Restorative Practice Circles
L. Joanna Alcaraz, Arabella Arellano
Restorative Practice Circles provide a framework to help build community, as well as strengthen and improve relationships by connecting to one another despite differences and backgrounds. The practice promotes values and principles that utilize inclusivity and understanding by increasing empathy for each other's experiences. This workshop will highlight how coaching values and skills align to support the implementation of Restorative Practice Circles. The workshop will share successes and lessons learned in implementation in Child Welfare Services.
Coaching in Supervision from an SOP Lens
Monica Montury, Alison Haggerty, Jocelyn McCurry
Coaching in supervision from a Safety Organized Practice (SOP) Lens will explore the importance of utilizing coaching as a supervisor to support social workers and incorporating SOP techniques and tools in their work with families. This workshop will identify how SOP in supervision serves as a parallel process to create a supportive learning environment for social workers while increasing their engagement and critical thinking skills in direct practice with families.
Foundation to Practice: The Evolution of Coaching in Child Welfare
Francesca Dorvilas Diana Nevarez, Lauren Radil
Safety Focused Coaching Practice Labs build the capacity of supervisors' coaching skills around best practices related to safety assessment and decision-making. That includes reviewing and integrating prior history in the investigation, identifying safety factors, consistently exploring and synthesizing information for the assessment of child and family needs. In this workshop, participants will learn moe about this advanced coaching program with an expected outcome to support objectivity and cultivate critical thinking.
Using the Brain-Based CREATE Model to Unlock Your Coaching Client's Hidden Motivations to Turn Insight into Tangible Action!
Javi Perez
Helping our coaching clients determine their goals and building traction towards their identified goals isn't always easy. This interactive, brain-based coaching workshop will help participants better understand how habits and motivation can increase a client's likelihood of success towards their goals via coaching.
2:00-2:15 PM
2:15-3:15 PM
Closing Keynote: Using a Coaching Lens to Cultivate and Maintain a Growth Mindset
Michael Bungay Stanier
Michael Bungay Stanier's engaging, entertaining and interactive approaches will highlight the importance of both curiosity and coaching as essential aspects of effective leadership. He will also provide practical tools that lead to behavioral change for anyone interested in using coaching to cultivate a growth mindset!
3:15-3:30 PM
Closing Remarks
Javi Perez, Nancy Hafer