The California Children and Youth System of Care (SOC) technical assistance team is working with local partners to design and implement local Children and Youth Systems of Care, to better serve children, youth, parents and caregivers who are receiving services from multiple public agencies. The goal is simple: align and integrate more effectively the programs and service delivery for children and families. The state System of Care team is committed to ensuring support and assistance for local partners toward coordinated, timely, and trauma-informed services.
AB 2083 Resources
The California Children and Youth System of Care (SOC) technical assistance team remains dedicated to support county efforts for innovative and collaborative approaches to addressing the requirements of the Memorandum and finding solutions to the practical and financial challenges which integrated care models requires. There are two new processes available for local agency partners, to secure technical assistance. One is dedicated to assisting with individual youth or child issues, and the second to support systematic or interagency MOU development. More information regarding technical assistance is available in ACL 20-63. Local partners can reach the state team at, and CDSS continues to provide child-specific technical assistance to counties through
Children and Youth System of Care Webinars
Strengthening Child and Family Teams Through the Indian Child Welfare Act & Tribal Engagement
November 19, 2024, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Coordinated System Profiles
In order to break silos and look at how programs complement each other, the team developed profiles of the services offered by various systems that serve children and youth. This is the compendium of resources available to children and youth served by various systems. The system profiles outline how eligibility is determined, what the denial appeal processes entail, how the system interacts with other systems or programs, how information is shared, and how referrals are made.