NEICE e-Learning (Current NEICE counties only)

IMPORTANT NOTE: This e-learning course is for staff in counties who have implemented NEICE. If you are in a county that is just starting implementation, or hasn’t yet implemented, please enroll in the “NEICE Onboarding” class.

This e-learning course is designed to support participants who would like a refresher of the National Electronic Interstate Compact Enterprise (NEICE) software application, or are new to using NEICE in a county that currently uses NEICE. The American Public Human Services Association collaborated with the Association of Administrators of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children to develop the NEICE application. Tetrus Corporation created the NEICE software program and the e-learnings which will be utilized throughout this training.

This e-learning consists of three separate sessions and homework assignments.

Sessions Overview:

Session 1 - Basics of NEICE: This session will provide an overview of the system, including a demonstration of the training site and an introduction of a practice case.

Session 2 - Nuts and Bolts of NEICE: This session will review the e-learning homework and discuss the roles and responsibilities of those who interface with the NIECE system.

Session 3 - Making NEICE a Reality: This session will debrief the e-learning homework and review the advanced features of NEICE.

Academic Units
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class

Section Notes

The format of this training is a recording of three live sessions.. This online training session is self-paced and must be completed no later than June 30, 2024.