Mandated Domestic Abuse Training for CalWORKs Staff
Having an in-depth understanding of Domestic Abuse can be a powerful tool in providing families with effective services. Throughout the course, participants will delve into the complexities of domestic abuse, including its impact on families in CalWORKs. We will explore the latest policy and guideline changes in ACL 23-109. By gaining an understanding of the changes in ACL 23-109, participants will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and strategies to navigate eligibility requirements, exemptions, and good cause waivers while ensuring the support, safety, and confidentiality of individuals experiencing domestic violence.
By the end of this course, participants be able will to:
- Define and recognize different types of abuse
- Explain the Power and Control Wheel and its relevance in recognizing abusive behaviors
- Analyze the framework and policies of CalWORKs and CalFresh relating to domestic abuse
- Gain knowledge about the processes and importance of background verification and confidentiality in handling domestic abuse cases within CalWORKs
- Demonstrate active listening and empathy when communicating with survivors
- Implement trauma-informed approaches in interactions with survivors
- Develop self-care strategies to mitigate the risk of secondary trauma and compassion fatigue
- Effectively communicate rights, services, and confidentiality policies to clients in the context of CalWORKs domestic abuse cases
- Practice and refine decision-making and problem-solving skills through scenario-based exercises, focusing on a variety of domestic abuse situations
- Emphasize the importance of empathy and respect in interactions with survivors
- Encourage cultural humility and sensitivity, acknowledging their impact on experiences of domestic abuse
- Develop a commitment to adapting to new domestic abuse regulations and policies within the CalWORKs program
Section Notes
Fee Details: The program enrollment fee is .08 training unit per person for those utilizing their county contract. If not using a county contract, the fee is $340.00 per person. The fee for a 1-day class, and it includes soft copy materials.
Training Format: This program will be offered via remote learning using Zoom. Login information will be provided after your enrollment is processed.
Enrollment Policies
Enrollment closes on 5/12/25.
Those paying by check or with credit card, please have payment to us no later than two weeks prior to start of class.
To be officially dropped from the class, please notify us at least 10 business days prior to the training start date to drop a class and cancel the billing, or request a refund of fees paid, less a $30 processing fee (no exceptions). If you have questions, please contact us at (530) 757-8538 or at
Substitutions can be done with a 48-hour minimum notice prior to the training start date. A 48-hour notice is needed to get all updated information processed.